A lexicographical project, whose aim is to digitize and align two Czech onomasiological dictionaries (Haller 1969–77; Klégr 2007) in order to create an integrated digital multi-purpose lexico-semantic database of Czech.
The EBUContentGenre is a thesaurus containing the hierarchical description of various genres utilized in the TV broadcasting industry. This thesaurus is a part of a complex metadata specification called EBUCore intended for multifaceted description of audiovisual content. EBUCore (http://tech.ebu.ch/docs/tech/tech3293v1_3.pdf) is a set of descriptive and technical metadata based on the Dublin Core and adapted to media. EBUCore is the flagship metadata specification of European Broadcasting Union, the largest professional association of broadcasters around the world. It is developed and maintained by EBU's Technical Department (http://tech.ebu.ch). The translated thesaurus can be used for effective cataloguing of (mostly TV) audiovisual content and consequent development of systems for automatic cataloguing (topic/genre detection). and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project No. TA01011264
The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is the first comprehensive dictionary of ancient Latin;
• it is compiled on the basis of all Latin texts surviving from antiquity (until AD 600), both literary and non-literary
• for less common words it cites every attestation, for the rest (those marked with an asterisk) an instructive and representative sample
• it records all meanings (including technical usages) and all constructions
• it documents peculiarities of inflection, spelling, and prosody
• it supplies information about the etymology of the Latin words and their survival in the Romance languages, contributed by recognised authorities in the fields of Indo-European and Romance studies
• it collects the comments of ancient sources on the word in question
The Thesaurus therefore offers for every Latin word a comprehensive, richly documented picture of its possibilities and history – not only for Latin scholars, but also for scholars of the various branches of ancient studies and for related disciplines.