Abundances of the common hamster in western Europe declined dramatically over the last 30 years. Recently, severe restrictions in distribution range have also been reported from central European countries. Here we update knowledge of the hamster distribution range in the Czech Republic based on information from six independent sources: (1) monitoring programme for the common vole carried out by State Phytosanitary Administration, (2) monitoring carried out directly by us, (3) questionnaire data from farming companies, (4) questionnaire data from district museums, (5) data from a public server BioLib for mapping species distribution, and (6) observations from nonrelated research activities and persons taking interest in hamsters. The comparison of locations detected after 2000 with those from the last survey > 30 years ago suggests that the range is severely reduced with hamsters retreating to the optimum lowland habitats along large rivers. These results suggest that the demographic mechanisms causing population decline in western populations operate in central Europe as well.
Cílem této pilotní studie bylo vytvořit a validizovat českou verzi krátké formy Škály potíží v regulaci emocí (DERS-SF-CZ) a prověřit její psychometrické vlastnosti. DERS-SF byla nejprve s využitím postupu zpětného překladu přeložena do češtiny a následně byla administrována prostřednictvím webového rozhraní. 364 respondentů (70 mužů, 294 žen) vyplnilo DERS-SF-CZ, GAD-2 a PHQ-2. Konfirmační faktorová analýza potvrdila šestifaktorovou strukturu DERS-SF-CZ (χ2/df=1,84, SRMR=0,050, RMSEA=0,048, CFI=0,963, TLI=0,953, GFI=0,935). Potvrzen byl i model s jedním společným faktorem druhého řádu (χ2/df=2,06, SRMR=0,064, RMSEA=0,054, CFI=0,951, TLI=0,942, GFI=0,923). Faktor uvědomování nicméně neměl v tomto hierarchickém modelu na faktor druhého řádu žádný vliv (βaw=0,03 R2aw=0,001). Hodnoty Cronbachových koeficientů alfa byly u DERS-SF-CZ a jednotlivých subškál následující: DERS-SF-CZ (α=0,86), uvědomování (α=0,65), porozumění (α=0,72), neakceptování (α=0,83), cíle (α=0,84), impulzivita (α=0,88), strategie (α=0,80). Podle očekávání byly zjištěny významné pozitivní korelace DERS-SF-CZ s dotazníky měřícími příznaky úzkosti a deprese. Výsledky podporují další využití DERS-SF-CZ v klinické praxi i výzkumu. and The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Czech Version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form (DERS-SF-CZ) and to examine its psychometric properties. The DERS-SF was translated into Czech with a back-translation procedure and then administered through an on-line survey. 364 participants (70 men, 294 women) completed the SCS-CZ, GAD-2 and PHQ-2. The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the six-factor structure of the DERS-SF-CZ (χ2/df=1,84, SRMR=0.050, RMSEA=0.048, CFI=0.963, TLI=0.953, GFI=0.935). A single higher-order factor model was also confirmed (χ2/df=2,06, SRMR=0.064, RMSEA=0.054, CFI=0.951, TLI=0.942, GFI=0.923). Nevertheless, the awareness factor did not have any effect on the second order factor in this hierarchical model (βaw=0,03 R2aw=0,001). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for total DERS-SF-CZ and subscales were as follows: DERS-SF-CZ (α=0,86), awareness (α=0,65), clarity (α=0,72), non-acceptance (α=0,83), goals (α=0,84), impulse (α=0,88), strategies (α=0,80). As expected, the DERS-SF-CZ demonstrated a significant positive correlation with anxiety and depressive symptoms questionnaires. The results support further use of the DERS-SF-CZ in clinical practice and research.
Cílem této pilotní studie bylo vytvořit a validizovat českou verzi sedmipoložkové Škály nepřipoutanosti k Já (NTS-CZ) a prověřit její psychometrické vlastnosti. NTS byla nejprve s využitím postupu zpětného překladu přeložena do češtiny a následně byla administrována prostřednictvím webového rozhraní. 782 respondentů (165 mužů, 617 žen) vyplnilo NTS-CZ, krátkou verzi Dotazníku pěti aspektů všímavosti (FFMQ-15-CZ) a Sussexsko-Oxfordskou škálu soucitu k sobě (SOCS-S-CZ). Konfirmační faktorová analýza potvrdila jednofaktorovou strukturu NTS-CZ (SRMR = 0,037, RMSEA = 0,082, CFI = 0,972, TLI = 0,950). Hodnota Cronbachova koeficientu alfa NTS-CZ byla α = 0,85. Podle očekávání byly zjištěny vysoké pozitivní korelace NTS-CZ s dotazníky měřícími všímavost a soucit k sobě. Výsledky podporují další využití NTS-CZ v psychologickém výzkumu. and The purpose of this pilot study was to develop and validate the Czech Version of the 7-item Nonattachment to Self Scale (NTS-CZ) and to examine its psychometric properties. The NTS was translated into Czech with a back-translation procedure and then administered through an online survey. 782 participants (165 men, 617 women) completed the NTS-CZ, the 15-item version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ-15-CZ), and the Sussex-Oxford Compassion for the Self Scale (SOCS-S-CZ). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the one-factor structure of the NTS-CZ (SRMR = 0.037, RMSEA = 0.082, CFI = 0.972, TLI = 0.950). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for the NTS-CZ was α = 0.85. As expected, the NTSCZ demonstrated high positive correlations with mindfulness and self-compassion questionnaires. The results support further use of the NTS-CZ in psychological research.
The presented data and metadata include answers to questions raised in the questionnaire focused on the experience of teaching practicums and their role in the practical preparation of English language teachers at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, as well as a basic quantitative analysis of the answers.
The analysis of the questionnaires shows that trainees are, in most cases, prepared for their teaching practicum both professionally and in terms of pedagogy and psychology, and the use of reflective teaching methods seems very useful. The benefits of the teaching practicum include, in particular, getting to know the real situation of teaching in secondary schools and working with a larger group of pupils, getting to know oneself as a teacher, gaining self-confidence, and becoming aware of one's own limits and areas for improvement. The downsides of the current system of teaching practice include mainly the low time allocation, the lack of integration of the practice in the curriculum, and the lack of involvement of the trainee in the daily running of the school (administrative work, supervision, meetings) and the lack of quality feedback from the faculty teacher.
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the problems associated with the fielding of questions of a socially sensitive nature typically dealing with crime, health, and sexual activity in nationally representative sample surveys. This article presents an overview of previous research on this topic and associated themes such as the definition of sensitive survey questions, the emergence and impact of social desirability effects and application of the Cognitive Aspects of Survey Methodology (CASM) to mechanisms of question response on sensitive topics. Thereafter, this article maps out specific sources of error that are likely to occur when fielding sensitive survey questions; and highlights methods that may used to minimise measurement error, thereby enhancing data validity. The article concludes with an appraisal of some of the most influential criterion-validity used in this sub-field of survey research.