The paper deals with the discourse and argumentation of Czech women's movement on the question of women's suffrage. It focuses on the example of municipal women's suffrage and aims to outline how the intersecton of class and sex, as categories defining women's locatio in the hierarchical power relation, influenced the framing of their argumentation meaning of the used concepts and their perception of the "enemy". and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The aim of the paper is to provide an interpretation of Schopenhauer’s criticism of Kantian philosophy in its three pivotal areas: the notion of metaphysics, the basics of epistemology and ethical theory. The study shows the grounding of this criticism in the rehabilitation of the world in its immediate givenness. The next point of discussion is an analogy of Schopenhauer’s ethics in relation to Kant, its inner contradiction related to the concepts of compassion and resignation, as well as their inspiring character. and Stať interpretuje hlavní body Schopenhauerovy kritiky Kantovy filosofie: koncept metafyziky, východiska teorie poznání a rozvrh etiky. Jejich společným jmenovatelem je rehabilitace bezprostředně daného světa, „v němž žijeme a jsme“. Spolu s tím se ukazuje jednak analogie Schopenhauerova projektu metafyziky vůle ke Kantově metafyzice autonomie, za druhé jeho rozporuplnost, projevující se zejména v motivech soucitu a rezignace, a nakonec inspirativní význam těchto motivů.