The contribution explores the Prague origines of the first Prague and Austrian female author of the Enlightenment, Maria Anna Sager, born Rosskoschny (1719-1805). The reconstruction of the carreer of her father Anton Ferdinand Rosskoschny (1679-1734) at the Böhmische Statthalterei - he ended as "Registrator" and "Expeditor" - proves his social ambitions. On the other hand egodocuments of him conserved in the National Archives at Prague reveal the sorrows and the "stress" of the wellestablished fonctioner, not only his fear in front of the people, but also for his reputation, his family and his soul., Helga Meise., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The article outlines the book culture of the Rudolphine period on the examples of several works by Tycho Brahe (Instruments of the Renewed Astronomy), Johannes Kepler (Somnium: The Dream, or Posthumous Work on Lunar Astronomy; Conversation with the Starry Messenger) and Galileo Galilei (The Starry Messenger). It is based on both research outcomes that have already been published and those that are being prepared for printing. and Alena Hadravová.
Bezpečnější provoz na silnicích nebo ekologicky vyčištěné odpadní vody - jen střípek z mozaiky přikladů celého seznamu oblastí, v nichž se uplatňuje spolupráce odborníků z Akademie věd se soukromým sektorem. Za loňský rok bychom napočítali stovky projektů, patentů, expertiz a smluv ústavů Akademie věd s partnery z nejrůznějších odvětví průmyslu, zdravotnictví a zemědělství. and Jana Olivová, Leona Matušková.