NomVallex 2.0 is a manually annotated valency lexicon of Czech nouns and adjectives, created in the theoretical framework of the Functional Generative Description and based on corpus data (the SYN series of corpora from the Czech National Corpus and the Araneum Bohemicum Maximum corpus). In total, NomVallex is comprised of 1027 lexical units contained in 570 lexemes, covering the following parts-of-speech and derivational categories: deverbal or deadjectival nouns, and deverbal, denominal, deadjectival or primary adjectives. Valency properties of a lexical unit are captured in a valency frame (modeled as a sequence of valency slots, each supplemented with a list of morphemic forms) and documented by corpus examples. In order to make it possible to study the relationship between valency behavior of base words and their derivatives, lexical units of nouns and adjectives in NomVallex are linked to their respective base lexical units (contained either in NomVallex itself or, in case of verbs, in the VALLEX lexicon), linking up to three parts-of-speech (i.e., noun – verb, adjective – verb, noun – adjective, and noun – adjective – verb).
In order to facilitate comparison, this submission also contains abbreviated entries of the base verbs of these nouns and adjectives from the VALLEX lexicon and simplified entries of the covered nouns and adjectives from the PDT-Vallex lexicon.
The NomVallex I. lexicon describes valency of Czech deverbal nouns belonging to three semantic classes, i.e. Communication (dotaz 'question'), Mental Action (plán 'plan') and Psych State (nenávist 'hatred'). It covers both stem-nominals and root-nominals (dotazování se 'asking' and dotaz 'question'). In total, the lexicon includes 505 lexical units in 248 lexemes. Valency properties are captured in the form of valency frames, specifying valency slots and their morphemic forms, and are exemplified by corpus examples.
In order to facilitate comparison, this submission also contains abbreviated entries of the source verbs of these nouns from the Vallex lexicon and simplified entries of the covered nouns from the PDT-Vallex lexicon.
VALLEX 3.0 provides information on the valency structure (combinatorial potential) of verbs in their particular senses, which are characterized by glosses and examples. VALLEX 3.0 describes almost 4 600 Czech verbs in more than 10 800 lexical units, i.e., given verbs in the given senses.
VALLEX 3.0 is a is a collection of linguistically annotated data and documentation, resulting from an attempt at formal description of valency frames of Czech verbs. In order to satisfy different needs of different potential users, the lexicon is distributed (i) in a HTML version (the data allows for an easy and fast navigation through the lexicon) and (ii) in a machine-tractable form as a single XML file, so that the VALLEX data can be used in NLP applications.
VALLEX 4.0 provides information on the valency structure (combinatorial potential) of verbs in their particular senses; each sense is by a gloss and examples. VALLEX 4.0 describes almost 4 700 Czech verbs in more than 11 000 lexical units, i.e., given verbs in the given senses. VALLEX 4.0 is a is a collection of linguistically annotated data and documentation, resulting from an attempt at formal description of valency frames of Czech verbs. In order to satisfy different needs of different potential users, the lexicon is distributed (i) in a HTML version (the data allows for an easy and fast navigation through the lexicon) and (ii) in a machine-tractable form, so that the VALLEX data can be used in NLP applications. VALLEX 4.0 provides (in addition to information from previous versions) also characteristics of verbs expressing reciprocity and reflexivity.
The data is provided in two formats: XML and JSON.
VALLEX 4.5 provides information on the valency structure (combinatorial potential) of Czech verbs in their particular senses (almost 4 700 verbs in more than 11 080 lexical units, supplemented with more than 290 nouns in more than 350 lexical units forming complex predicates with light verbs). VALLEX 4.5 is an enhanced successor of VALLEX 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0. In addition to the information stored there, VALLEX 4.5 provides a detailed description of reflexive verbs, i.e., verbs with the reflexive "se" or "si" as an obligatory part of their verb lexemes. VALLEX 4.5 covers 1 525 reflexive verbs in 1 545 lexical units (2 501 when aspectual counterparts counted separately). In order to satisfy different needs of different potential users, the lexicon is distributed (i) online in a HTML version (the data allows for an easy and fast navigation through the lexicon) and (ii) in this distribution in a machine-tractable form, so that the VALLEX data can be used in NLP applications.
VPS-GradeUp is a collection of triple manual annotations of 29 English verbs based on the Pattern Dictionary of English Verbs (PDEV) and comprising the following lemmas: abolish, act, adjust, advance, answer, approve, bid, cancel, conceive, cultivate, cure, distinguish, embrace, execute, hire, last, manage, murder, need, pack, plan, point, praise, prescribe, sail, seal, see, talk, urge . It contains results from two different tasks:
1. Graded decisions
2. Best-fit pattern (WSD) .
In both tasks, the annotators were matching verb senses defined by the PDEV patterns with 50 actual uses of each verb (using concordances from the BNC [2]). The verbs were randomly selected from a list of completed PDEV lemmas with at least 3 patterns and at least 100 BNC concordances not previously annotated by PDEV’s own annotators. Also, the selection excluded verbs contained in VPS-30-En[3], a data set we developed earlier. This data set was built within the project Reviving Zellig S. Harris: more linguistic information for distributional lexical analysis of English and Czech and in connection with the SemEval-2015 CPA-related task.