Vegetation analyses (phytosociological relevés) of 20 peat bogs arranged along an altitudinal gradient in the southern part of the Czech Republic, Central Europe, revealed relationships between vegetation and environmental gradients. Six of the peat bogs were investigated in detail. The bogs were dominated by Pinus rotundata, a species endemic to Central Europe, and its hybridogenous populations with P. mugo (the hybrid is called P. ×pseudopumilio), with increasing proportions of the latter at higher altitudes. Data were processed using indirect (DCA) and direct (CCA) gradient analyses. Environmental variables (depth of the water table, mean and minimum temperatures, precipitation, pH, conductivity, NH4 and PO4 concentrations, total P, but not total N nor NO3 concentration), as well as biotic characteristics of the sites, such as species composition, and growth form of the dominant pines, were closely correlated with altitude. Woody species, herbs and bryophytes responded to the altitude similarly. Results also indicated the unique characteristics of each bog.
Various stages in the succession of vegetation of peat bogs following disturbance were studied in the Třeboň Basin, Czech Republic. The disturbance was of two types: (a) natural, represented by windthrow, with subsequent bark beetle attack, and fire, and (b) human-made peat digging and industrial peat milling. The species composition at different stages in succession following disturbance were compared with that in undisturbed plots. Regeneration of peat bog vegetation was faster after a natural than after human-made disturbance. The lowest impact was caused by windthrow, followed by fire. Regeneration after peat digging took much longer. Regeneration after industrial peat harvesting only occurred if the groundwater table level remained high.
Ekologie obnovy (restoration ecology) v sobě spojuje ekologickou teorii a praktické aplikace směřující k obnově člověkem narušených, nebo i zcela zničených ekosystémů. Úvodní část šestidílného seriálu přibližuje základní pojmy a cíle oboru a také související témata aktuální v České republice. and Restoration ecology combines ecological theory and practical applications aiming to restore ecosystems disturbed by man or those which have been completely devastated. The introductory article of this six-part series defines the basic terms and goals of this discipline, as well as related subjects of current interest to the Czech Republic.
Tento díl je zaměřen především na obnovu ekosystémů na výsypkách po těžbě uhlí, v lomech, vytěžených štěrkopískovnách a rašeliništích. Pokud není zničena nějaká cenná lokalita, maloplošná těžba může často být obohacením krajiny. I v případě větších těžeben a navazujících výsypek a odvalů nemusí být za určitých okolností jejich existence negativní. Mohou se stát útočišti pro mnoho druhů rostlin i živočichů, které z běžné, intenzivně využívané krajiny mizejí. Podmínkou ovšem je, že těžbou narušená místa nejsou technicky rekultivována, nýbrž jsou ponechána spontánní, případně mírně řízené (usměrňované) nebo uměle blokované sukcesi. and The article deals mainly with the restoration of ecosystems situated in spoil heaps from coal mining, in quarries, disused gravel-sand pits and extracted peatland. A small-scale excavation can enrich the landscape if it does not cause damage to a rare locality. Even greater excavations and dumps do not necessarily have a negative effect on the environment. Such localities can be used for conservation of numerous plant and animal species disappearing from the surrounding intensively utilized landscape. Nevertheless, such localities need to be left to spontaneous succession or managed only to a small degree, without technical reclamation.
Louky a pastviny jsou významným zdrojem biodiverzity v krajině a formují i krajinný ráz. Na orné půdě mohou být obnoveny buď spontánní sukcesí, nebo osetím komerčními a regionálními směsmi. Druhové složení směsí by mělo odpovídat místním podmínkám. Obnova degradovaných luk, které byly v minulosti většinou intenzivně využívané, hlavně silně hnojené, nebo naopak opuštěné, je často dlouhodobým procesem. Všeobecně obnova luk hodně záleží na tom, které luční druhy rostou v okolí a jak snadno se na cílovou plochu dostávají. and Meadows and pastures are an important source of biodiversity in the landscape with their special landscape character. In arable land they can be revitalized through spontaneous succession or by sowing with a regional commercial seed mixture, whose species composition should correspond to local conditions. Revitalization of degraded meadows used in the past in an intensive manner (they were usually highly manured), or which have been abandoned, is a long-term process. In general, revitalization of meadows depends on which species are growing in the vicinity and how easily they can spread up to the locality under revitalization.
Porosty dřevin stromového vzrůstu se spontánními sukcesními pochody obnoví za 40 až 80 let po opuštění pole. Navazují většinou na křovinatá stadia. Nástup dřevin na opuštěných polích, loukách a pastvinách je omezen pouze tam, kde díky úživným podmínkám brání jejich rozvoji bylinné patro. Umělé zalesňování nelesní půdy je třeba podpořit jen v silně odlesněných a nadmíru zemědělsky využívaných oblastech. Pro obnovu a zachování biodiverzity lesních porostů je podstatné ponechat významné rozlohy lesa především v národních parcích a rezervacích samovolnému vývoji. Pro zachování biodiverzity v lesích v nižších polohách je důležitá obnova tradičního lesnického managementu, např. výmladkové hospodářství. and Stands of woody tree species can revitalize through spontaneous succession after 40-80 years in abandoned fields. They usually follow the shrub stage of development. Woody species revitalization in abandoned fields, meadows or pastures is only harder in localities with a well-developed herb layer due to rich nutrition. Artificial aforestation of originally unforested land can only be supported in highly deforested and intensively used agriculture regions. It is advisable that forests in natural parks and nature reserves develop spontaneously, which contributes to the revitalization and conservation of forest stand biodiversity. At lower altitudes, use of traditional forest management, such as the coppice system, contributes to biodiversity conservation.
V České republice je ekologie obnovy stále podceňována, technický přístup převažuje. Spontánní sukcese je stanovena nebo při nejmenším později uznána jako dobrý způsob obnovy pouze v 0,05 % oblastí narušených míst, jako jsou těžba nebo průmyslové a stavební aktivity a opuštěná orná pole, okolo 95 % těchto míst má potenciál obnovit se (zotavit se) spontánně. Spontánně obnovená (zotavená) místa obvykle vykazují vyšší prostorově-časovou heterogenitu a tím vyšší biodiverzitu než technicky obnovená stanoviště. Všechny projekty obnovy by měly vycházet z vědeckých poznatků a vědci a experti by měli být respektováni při managementu krajiny a aktivitách obnovy více než dosud. and In the Czech Republic, ecologically sound restoration is still underestimated and poor technical approaches prevail. Spontaneous succession is set or at least ex post recognized as an appropriate restoration method in only about 0,05 % of disturbed site areas, such as sites disturbed by mining or industrial and construction activities, and abandoned arable fields, though about 95 % of these sites have potential to recover spontaneously. Such spontaneously recovered sites usually have a higher space-temporal heterogeneity and therefore also a higher biodiversity than technically restored sites. All restoration projects should be based on scientific knowledge and scientists and experts should be respected in land management and restoration activities much more than they are nowadays.
Nineteen isolated rocky outcrops of different sizes, tops of which were covered with natural grassland vegetation, were studied in the forested submontane belt (630–1020 m a.s.l.) of the Šumava Mts in the southern part of the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The species of vascular plants present in the treeless sites at each locality were identified. Those species with an Ellenberg indicator value for light equal 6 or higher were considered to be heliophilous. The distance to the nearest secondary treeless area was measured. There were 43 heliophilous species (23%) recorded among the 184 species identified. The number of species and the number of heliophilous species varied independently of the altitude and extent of the treeless area on the rocky outcrops, but were significantly correlated only with the distance to man-made treeless areas. The highest number of heliophilous species was recorded within approximately 400 m from the nearest man-made treeless area. Although the relict occurrence of some of the heliophilous species on the rocky outcrops cannot be completely excluded, obviously most of the species colonized these localities from nearby secondary treeless areas since their creation in the Middle Ages.