Tento díl je zaměřen především na obnovu ekosystémů na výsypkách po těžbě uhlí, v lomech, vytěžených štěrkopískovnách a rašeliništích. Pokud není zničena nějaká cenná lokalita, maloplošná těžba může často být obohacením krajiny. I v případě větších těžeben a navazujících výsypek a odvalů nemusí být za určitých okolností jejich existence negativní. Mohou se stát útočišti pro mnoho druhů rostlin i živočichů, které z běžné, intenzivně využívané krajiny mizejí. Podmínkou ovšem je, že těžbou narušená místa nejsou technicky rekultivována, nýbrž jsou ponechána spontánní, případně mírně řízené (usměrňované) nebo uměle blokované sukcesi. and The article deals mainly with the restoration of ecosystems situated in spoil heaps from coal mining, in quarries, disused gravel-sand pits and extracted peatland. A small-scale excavation can enrich the landscape if it does not cause damage to a rare locality. Even greater excavations and dumps do not necessarily have a negative effect on the environment. Such localities can be used for conservation of numerous plant and animal species disappearing from the surrounding intensively utilized landscape. Nevertheless, such localities need to be left to spontaneous succession or managed only to a small degree, without technical reclamation.
Variability in vegetation, participation of target and non-target species and the role of the local species pool in the spontaneous succession on acidic bedrock were studied in quarries. The study was conducted in the Českomoravská vrchovina uplands (central Czech Republic). A total of 135 relevés, 5 × 5min size, were used to sample 41 quarries that were abandoned from 1 to 92 years ago. Three types of sites were distinguished: mesic, wet and periodically flooded. Species cover (seven point Braun-Blanquet scale) was visually estimated. The following characteristics were noted: steep rocky slopes, bottoms and levels, dumps and screes as habitat types; age; proportion of the main land-cover categories (arable land, ruderal and urban, grassland,woodland and wetland) in the surroundings up to 100 m and 1 km from each quarry; and the occurrence of target (grassland, woodland, wetland) and non-target (ruderal, alien) species up to 100 m from each quarry. Ordination indicates that the spontaneous succession of vegetation results in the formation of mixed woodland, Alnus and Salix carrs, or tall sedge and Typha beds with scattered Salix, depending on the wetness of a site, surrounding vegetation and land cover. Restoration of target vegetation in the quarries by spontaneous succession is possible and can occur within about 25 years, especially if the target species are present close by.
We reviewed 37 studies on vegetation succession in which the succession started on bare ground, was followed in at least six sites, and where these sites were spatially separated over at least 10 km2. The effect of environmental factors, which were explored in at least five studies, on the course of succession was assessed, based on the proportion of significant and non-significant results. Surrounding vegetation, macroclimate, soil moisture, amount of nitrogen and soil texture appeared to have the highest influence on the course of succession. Less influential were the size of a disturbed site, pH, organic matter and phosphorus content. Surrounding vegetation exhibited a significant effect in all cases where this was considered. These results imply that succession cannot be studied without the landscape context. The large-scale approach to succession has the potential to contribute substantially to both the theory of succession and practical applications, especially in restoration ecology.