Since 2011, a unique project studying the effect of artificial canopy opening (Small-size clearings) on biodiversity in lowland forests has been carried out in the Podyjí NP. The response of communities of butterflies, moths, epigeic, floricolous and saproxylic beetles, birds, reptiles, and vascular plants was observed for three years. The results showed a positive effect of early stages in forest succession not only for the majority of groups studied, but also for many threatened species, and also demonstrated the importance of open forest remnants for biodiversity. In protected forests at low and middle elevations, conservation management should attempt to maintain a mosaic of forest at different stages of succession. and Pavel Šebek a kolektiv autorů.
Střevlík uherský (Carabus hugaricus hungaricus) je druhem dlouhostébelných panonských stepí. Patří mezi zvláště chráněné brouky a je rovněž druhem evropsky významným. V České republice přežívá už pouze na Pouzdřanské stepi a na Pálavě. V článku shrnujeme výsledky výzkumů jeho stanovištních preferencí, demografie a mobility, diskutujeme možnosti jeho ochrany a zároveň se dotýkáme bolestivého tématu ochranářské péče o lokality tohoto druhu., The Carabus hungaricus ground beetle is a highly endangered, dry-grassland specialist listed in the EU Habitats Directive. In the Czech Republic, the beetle survives on the last two sites including the Pouzdřany steppe, and the Pálava hills. Here we report results of extensive mark-recapture studies of this species, including its habitat preference, demography, and dispersal abilities. Furthermore, we discuss the options for its conservation and conservation management of the two inhabited sites., Lukáš Čížek ... [et al.]., and Pokračování čl. na str. CXV kuléru Živy 5/2014