This article is one of the outcomes of a research project in which we focused on the recognition of the processes of organisational learning in Czech basic schools (6-15). In this article, we deal with the dimension of the systematic way of organisational learning. In agreement with many other authors we consider the systematic way of organisational learning in schools an important condition for the depth and, therefore, efficiency of organisational learning. We look for an answer to the question of how much influence is exerted by factors in the internal school setting on the systematic way of organisational learning. For this analysis, we use data of a representative survey conducted in two Regions of the Czech Republic.
V tomto textu se věnujeme organizačnímu učení ve školách. Vycházíme z empirického materiálu, který jsme získali v roce 2011 ve třech základních školách. Přinášíme charakteristiky zkoumaných škol, věnujeme se impulzům organizačního učení ve školách, tématům tohoto učení, uplatňovaným strategiím řízení organizačního učení a také faktorům, které organizační učení ve školách podporují, případně mu brání. V závěru vysvětlujeme spojitost kvalitativní fáze výzkumu s další fází, koncipovanou jako kvantitativní. and This paper investigates organizational learning at schools. We use empirical data that were gathered in 2011 in three primary and lower secondary schools. The paper describes the characteristic features of the schools and it discusses the impulses for organizational learning in schools, its topics, applied strategies of managing of organisational learning and also the factors that support or undermine it. The paper concludes by explaining the connected nature of the qualitative phase of the research with a related phase that is designed as a quantitative one.