It is shown that there exist a continuous function f and a regulated function g defined on the interval [0,1] such that g vanishes everywhere except for a countable set, and the K *-integral of f with respect to g does not exist. The problem was motivated by extensions of evolution variational inequalities to the space of regulated functions.
We consider a class of evolution differential inclusions defining the so-called stop operator arising in elastoplasticity, ferromagnetism, and phase transitions. These differential inclusions depend on a constraint which is represented by a convex set that is called the characteristic set. For BV (bounded variation) data we compare different notions of BV solutions and study how the continuity properties of the solution operators are related to the characteristic set. In the finite-dimensional case we also give a geometric characterization of the cases when these kinds of solutions coincide for left continuous inputs.
The paper deals with a model for water freezing in a deformable elastoplastic container. The mathematical problem consists of a system of one parabolic equation for temperature, one integrodifferential equation with a hysteresis operator for local volume increment, and one differential inclusion for the water content. The problem is shown to admit a unique global uniformly bounded weak solution.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of an abstract evolution inclusion with a non-invertible operator, motivated by problems arising in nonlocal phase separation modeling. Existence, uniqueness, and long-time behaviour of the solution to the related Cauchy problem are discussed in detail.
Monografie kontrastivním způsobem analyzuje české a bulharské překlady frazeologických jednotek ze dvou srbských prozaických děl: Iva Andrić (1945) Most na Drině a Milorad Pavić (1984) Chazarský slovník. Sleduje a popisuje případné formální, sémantické a stylistické odchylky českých a bulharských překladových řešení a zároveň se snaží odpovědět na otázku, do jaké míry hraje při přesnosti překládání frazeologie roli větší jazyková blízkost typologická (čeština je takto srbštině blíže než bulharština) a do jaké míry genetická a kulturně-historická (bulharština je takto srbštině blíže než čeština). ,This book analyzes in contrastive way Czech and Bulgarian translations of phrasemes of two Serbian prose works: "The Bridge on the Drina" by Ivo Andrić (1945) and "Dictionary of the Khazars" by Milorad Pavić (1984). It tracks and describes the formal, semantic and stylistic variations of Czech and Bulgarian translation solutions while trying to answer the question, to what extent the greater typological linguistic proximity is playing bigger role at the accuracy of the translation of phraseology (Czech is thus closer to Serbian than Bulgarian) and to what extent the genetic and cultural-historical propinquity is more important (Bulgarian to Serbian is thus closer than Czech).