The text summarizes the history and present state of the ethnocartographic research in the Czech Lands. It accentuates the fact that, in spite of the relatively high prestige of ethnocartography in many European countries and in spite of repeated efforts of several representants of our ethnocartography, „classical“ ethnographic atlas was never realized in the Czech Republic and probably will never be realized in the future due to several reasons. The causes of neglect or even negation of ethnocartographic research are mostly due to organizational and ideological reasons. The present-day Czech research must, therefore, face numerous specific tasks and problems that influence the concept and contents of the ethnographic atlas. From the nowadays already anachronistic effort to map the „whole“ of traditional culture the concept of the Ethnographic Atlas of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia moved in the direction of spatial documentation and analysis of partial, selected aspects. The second important feature is the giving up of field research and the general use of questionnaires in the process of the collection of the data, instead of the analysis of written and iconographical sources. The basic conceptual and theoretical-methodological bases of the work on the atlas can be resumed as follows: the consistent application of territorial, not ethnical principle for collection and analysis of the data; the focus on the time period between the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century; liberal choice of localities, preference given to statistical and proto-statistical data; consistent application of modern technological devices – especially geographic information system (GIS).
This article presents the results of the latest surface and geophysical surveys at the Przeworsk culture site 13 in Wrzępia, Lesser Poland Province. According to the results of magnetic prospection, more than 130 anomalies typical for kilns are present here. Based on the results of surface survey, their interpretation as pottery kilns is most likely. The pottery center specialised mostly in the production of Krausengefässe type of storage vessels. This is confirmed by the presence of almost exclusively of this pottery type on the site’s surface. The results of prospections shed a new light on pottery production in the region. and Článek představuje výsledky nejnovějších povrchových a geofyzikálních výzkumů v lokalitě przeworské kultury Wrzępia 13 v Malopolském vojvodství. Výsledky těchto výzkumů umožnily identifikovat dosud druhé největší centrum výroby římské keramiky ve středoevropském barbariku. Na základě výsledků magnetického průzkumu se odhaduje existence více než 130 pozůstatků hrnčířských pecí. Téměř výhradní přítomnost zlomků keramiky typu Krausengefässe na povrchu lokality vrhá nové světlo na hrnčířskou produkci v regionu.
The oxidizing side of photosystem 2 (PS2) contains a set of unique redox components including two tyrosine radicals, Tyr2 and Tyrp, and a cluster of 4 Mn atoms that are involved in the oxidation of water to molecular oxygen. The structural environment of these components is unknown; we ušed computer-assisted modelling to create a three-dimensional model for the structure around Tyr^ and Tyrj). The tyrosines are predicted to be located in hydrophobic cavities in the Dl and D2 reaction centre proteins, respectively. The cavities are situated close to the lumenal surface of the thylakoid membrane and are surrounded mainly by highly conserved amino acid residues. Both tyrosines are proposed to be hydrogen-bonded to the nearby histidine residues Hisl90 on respective protein. We tested the model by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy of Tyr^ and site-directed mutagenesis of the D2 protein in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803. In two mutants, where the corresponding histidine is changed to a tyrosine or a leucine, the normál EPR spectra from Tyr^ were drastically altered to narrow structureless radical signals with g-values similar to that of Tyrp (g » 2.0050). The new spectra were assigned to Tyrp from functional experiments and the spectral modification indicated that the introduced point-mutation of His 190 (D2-Hisl89 in Synechocystis 6803) modified the environment around Tyr^ supporting the structural model. In a third mutant where Glnl65 (D2-Glnl64 in Synechocystis 6803) was exchanged to a leucine we also observed a modified EPR spectrum consistent with the predictions firom the model. AU the experimental data obtained strengthen the Computer derived model in essential aspects. We also predicted a possible location for the Mn-cluster to the loop that connects the membrane spanning helices A and B on the Dl protein. In addition the structural model suggests the presence of a metal-site, possibly a Mn site, close to Tyrz on the Dl protein. The site is proposed to be constituted of three residues on the Dl protein, Glnl65, Aspl70 and Glul89.