Intense transport of sediment is studied in flows of steep slopes. Transport- and friction formulae suitable for flows at high shear stress above eroded bed are discussed. The formulae are further incorporated to a proposed simple model for open-channel flow with gradually varied transport of sediment. Two variants of the formulae are used alternatively in the model. Tilting-flume experiments are described that provided steady-flow data suitable for a validation of the formulae and unsteady-sediment-transport data for a validation of the designed model of gradually varied transport. A comparison of experimental results with formulae predictions and model simulations shows a very reasonable agreement for both variants of the transport and friction formulae. and Obsahuje seznam literatury a znaků
With the end of MIS3, the unity of larger Gravettian settlements based predominantly on mammoth exploitation split into a mosaic of smaller Epigravettian sites with specific behaviors and economies. Based on C14 chronology, the site of Stránská skála IV (together with Grubgraben, Ságvár and Kašov), correlates with a brief warm period after the Last Glacial Maximum around 22 ka calBP. We detected two main accumulations of predominantly horse bones under a rock cliff suggesting that the site was not a regular settlement but rather a specialised hunting site. No features or hearths were recovered. Lithic raw materials were imported from long distances, and the horse hunting strategy profitted from the specific geographic qualitites of the site. Preferential location of Epigravettian sites in secluded valleys is a pattern generally recognized in Moravia and usually explained as a response to the harsh MIS2 climates. and Po skončení relativně příznivější periody MIS3 se původní jednota velkých gravettských sídlišť, převážně závislých na exploataci mamutů, proměňuje v mozaiku menších stanovišť epigravettienu (MIS2), které dokládají specifické chování a loveckou ekonomiku případ od případu. V letech 1985–1987 jsme pod skalním srázem na severním úbočí Stránské skály prozkoumali dvě centrální nálezové kumulace o průměru 5–7 m, tvořené převážně koňskými kostmi, prostoupené vápencovou sutí a nečetnou štípanou industrií epigravettienu (obr. 1–3; předběžně Svoboda 1990; 1991). Nálezy byly uloženy v nejvyšší části pleistocenní spraše, místy postižené následnou pedogenezí (obr. 4). Nebyly odkryty žádné sídelní struktury, tedy objekty ani ohniště, což ukazuje na specializované loviště využívající příhodný terén. Na základě radiokarbonové chronologie periody MIS2 a posledního glaciálního maxima (LGM) koreluje lokalita Stránská skála IV (spolu s lokalitami Grubraben, Ságvár a Kašov) s chladným obdobím GS-2.1c kolem data 22 ka calBP (Clark et al. 2009; Rasmussen et al. 2014; Hughes et al. 2016), ale podle paleobotanických analýz (viz níže) nebyly lokální klimatické podmínky tak drastické, jak bychom v této době očekávali.
Let H be a complex Hilbert space, A a positive operator with closed range in B(H) and BA(H) the sub-algebra of B(H) of all A-self-adjoint operators. Assume ϕ: BA(H) onto itself is a linear continuous map. This paper shows that if ϕ preserves A-unitary operators such that ϕ(I) = P then ψ defined by ψ(T ) = P ϕ(P T ) is a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism and ψ(T ♯ ) = ψ(T ) ♯ for all T ∈ BA(H), where P = A +A and A + is the Moore-Penrose inverse of A. A similar result is also true if ϕ preserves A-quasi-unitary operators in both directions such that there exists an operator T satisfying P ϕ(T ) = P.
Unlike the pre-White Mountain period, the development of the city administration in the royal city of Brno has not yet been systematically studied for the decades of the early modern period post-1620. The present contribution thus represents a kind of first probe into the mode of operation, structure and competences of the city council in terms of its political-administrative, economic and judicial functions from the post-White Mountain period to the mid-18th century, marked by the first phase of Theresian administrative reforms. The preliminary results presented are for the most part based on research of sources of a normative nature concerning the gradual reduction by the state of the originally autonomous competencies of the city council to the levels of executive power indicated. Although renewals of the council corps took place in Brno in the early decades of the 18th century in what were in principle ‘free’ elections, from 1710 on it was the monarch alone who confirmed the councillors in office. and Etatistic interventions manifested themselves in all these areas, one of the most burdensome being the establishment in 1726 of a special economic directorate, subordinate to the provincial office, to control the financial management of the city. The author deliberately traces the culmination of these restrictive measures by the state only until the middle of the 18th century, when the municipality became a complex structured office. These reforms were only a harbinger of other fundamental changes in the functioning of the city administration in general in the 1780s, when the mayor became a civil servant and his deputies were elected by indirect election. However, the impact of the gradual etatization and bureaucratization of the executive apparatus of the leading royal Moravian city will need to be substantiated in the future by thorough source analyses in order to objectively ascertain the impact of the above-mentioned measures on the entire urban society. The question also remains whether the newly installed representatives of the highest municipal administrations continued to enjoy general respect.
The semantic development or dispertion of polysemy causes the homonymy not only within the ambit of one language but also in the vocabulary of two or more genetically cognate languages, which also is the case of Slovene and Slovak. The Slovenian-Slovak homonymy is mostly based on the originally polysemic words (in Proto-Slavic), cf. Sln. otrok 'child' - Slk. otrok 'slave'; Sln. povoziti 'run over (by a car)' - Slk. povoziť 'drive', 'cart'. This is the homogeneous interlingustic homonymy. The less numerous group of interlinguistic Slovenian-Slovak homonymy by heterogeneous homonyms, which in fact are homonymous coincidentally, cf. Sln. kanec 'drop' - Slk. Kanec 'boar'; Sln. tuliti 'hawl' - Slk. tuliť 'hug'.
This study analyses some customs and rituals of the German minority in central and northern Moravia. Most of the material referenced comes from field research of the Nízký Jeseník and Haná regions, conducted by the author himself during the late 1990s and early 2010s. The process of collecting empirical material was focused on the German-speaking population in central and especially northern parts of Moravia. The German minority lived in these regions from the period of great colonisation in the 13th century practically until 1946 when, following the end of World War II, the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia was ordered as a part of the country’s post-war policy. In his study, the author has focused on real-life examples of traditions related to three holidays falling within the winter/New year annual cycle of customs in the regions of central and northern Moravia: namely the Saints’ days of Saint Martin, Saint Andrew and Saint Nicholas.
Aside from a description of the customs and rituals, this study attempts to offer an explanation for the origin and development of the features of winter/New year customs and the traditions related to such festivals.