Problems related to accuracy of tilt measurements realized during experimental studies of miniature tilt sensors (including MEMS devices) are minutely discussed. The measurements are performed by means of a custom computer controlled test rig, over the full range of pitch and roll. Accuracy of the test rig is determined in terms of uncertainty of the measurements involved. Ways of improving performance of the test rig are briefly introduced. Exemplary results of experimental works are presented. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Among the African people an important social and religious role is performed by funeral rituals, which belong to rituals of passage connected with changing of man’s status and social position. The rituals of the first and secondary funerals among the Konkomba belong to the most extended of all the rituals of passage. The present article describes and analyses the rituals of the first funeral, which are the burial rituals of elderly people (men and women). They differ in the richness of rites and the social significance from the simpler burials of adult people, children or infants. and V živote afrických národů hrají významné místo pohřební rituály, které patří mezi „přechodové rituály", související se změnou postavení člověka ve společnosti. První a druhé pohřební rituály Konkombů patří mezi nejrozsáhlejší ze všech přechodových rituálů. Článek popisuje a analyzuje rituály prvního pohřbu u starších osob (mužů a žen). Tyto pohřby se bohatstvím rituálů i sociálním významem odlišují od jednodušších pohřbů mladších dospělých, dětí a novorozenců.
The article analyzes set of normative sources which regulated the exercise of the profession of painters and sculptors in Brno in the 18th century (guilds’ statutes, government’s decrees, civic regulations, judicial sources etc.). The study interprets the decline of the artists’ guild organization in Brno in the 1750s in a wider perspective of economic and administrative reforms in the Habsburg monarchy. These reforms were marked by several particular initiatives made by the artist’s corporation in Brno, who came up with own unsuccessful proposals of various changes of the traditional city’s guild system. The study states that such initiatives should not be explained simply as symptoms of a changing urban society in Central Europe during the Enlightenment era, or as a consequence of the dynamics of proto-industrialization and the establishment of new economic as well educational institutions, but also as a result of the new product market and the demand shifted towards less expensive and more fashionable goods.
Karl Heinrich Heydenreich (1764–1801), a now almost forgotten German thinker of the late Enlightenment, attempted his own transcendental-philosophical definition of the aesthetic category of the sublime in the article “Grundriß einer neuen Untersuchung über die Empfindungen des Erhabenen” (1789), which preceded Kant's Critique of Judgment by a year. Thanks to this endeavor, he was often described in the history of aesthetics as being a Kantian in aesthetics before Kant, but his article has not to this point received a detailed analysis. The present study shows that, in particular, Kant's moral-philosophical concept of respect for moral law played a crucial role in Heydenreich's reflections on the sensation of the sublime as a product of pure reason. and Karl Heinrich Heydenreich (1764–1801), dnes téměř neznámý pozdně osvícenský německý myslitel, se v článku „Grundriß einer neuen Untersuchung über die Empfindungen des Erhabenen“ (1789), jenž o rok předcházel Kantově Kritice soudnosti, pokusil o vlastní transcendentálně-filosofickou definici estetické kategorie vznešena. Díky tomuto počinu byl sice v dějinách estetiky nejednou líčen jako kantián v estetice před Kantem, podrobné analýzy se však jeho článku dosud nedostalo. Předložená studie ukazuje, že zásadní roli v Heydenreichově úvaze o pocitu vznešena coby produktu čistého rozumu sehrál zejména Kantův morálně-filosofický koncept pocitu úcty k mravnímu zákonu.