Currently, mental disorders are usually concep-tualized as a hidden causal factor, manifested by its symptoms. This notion rests upon the reflective latent model, which is implicitly at work every time complex symptomatology gets summarized by a single number or a categorical state. The present paper reflects on the quantita-tive, testable implications of this psychometric model and shows how its restraints are untena-ble for most mental disorders. The observed data are instead consistent with mental disorders be-ing complex dynamic systems. Instead of being treated as interchangeable measures of the same latent factor, symptoms likely act as independ-ent causal entities, directly affecting each other. In recent years, this shift in ontological stance toward psychopathology has laid a basis for adapting the network theory. Under this theory, a mental disorder is a relatively stable emergent state, which arises due to a pronounced and re-current interaction of causally linked symptoms. It is discussed how models embedded within the network theory can help provide insight into the etiopathogenesis of mental disorders and ad-dress clinical intervention. In conclusion, limits and future challenges to the network theory are discussed. and Psychické poruchy bývajú konceptualizované ako skrytá kauzálna príčina, ktorá sa prejavu-je symptómami. Táto predstava je založená na reflektívnom latentnom modeli, ktorý sa impli-citne uplatňuje vždy, keď je komplexná sympto-matológia sumarizovaná vo forme čísla alebo kategorického stavu. V článku sú analyzované kvantitatívne, testovateľné implikácie tohto psychometrického modelu a na tomto základe je demonštrovaná jeho nevhodnosť pre konceptu-alizáciu väčšiny psychických porúch. Pozorova-né dáta naopak implikujú, že psychické poruchy sú komplexné dynamické systémy. Symptómy totiž nie sú ekvivalentným meraním jednej a tej istej latentnej premennej, ale fungujú ako nezá-vislé, vzájomne interagujúce kauzálne entity. Táto zmena nazerania na ontológiu psychopa-tológie viedla k adaptácii tzv. sieťovej teórie na kontext psychologických vied. V rámci tejto teórie je psychická porucha relatívne stabilným emergentným stavom, ktorý vzniká výraznými, opakujúcimi sa interakciami kauzálne prepoje-ných symptómov. Článok adresuje otázku, ako môžu modely vychádzajúce zo sieťovej teórie pomôcť pochopiť etiopatogenézu psychických porúch a adresovať klinickú intervenciu. V zá-vere sú načrtnuté limity a výzvy pre budúcnosť sieťovej teórie v psychológii.
When a terrestňal plant is subjected to a mild drought stress, the leaf net CO2 uptake declines as a result of the stomatal closure. In contrast to previous beliefs the photosynthetic apparatus is vety resistant to dehydration. Particularly the relations between photochemistry, its regulation and leaf CO2 assimilation (f) are identical when F is changed either by increasing leaf water deficit or by decreasing the ambient CO2 concentration. When the stomata close in a leaf under water deficit the CO2 concentration within the leaf declines. As a result photorespiration is favoured, the photochemical yield of open photosystem 2 (PS 2) centres and the activity of some enzymes dechne (sucrose-phosphate synthase, nitráte reductase). The dechne of photochemical yield of PS 2 is consequential to an increase in thermal dissipation of the excitons trapped by PS 2 units. The dechne in CO2 concentration occurring in a desiccating leaf may trigger an integrated response of leaf metabohsm which still remains to be explored.
The work deals with the Ohlas od Nežárky weekly periodical. The periodical was being published in Jindřichův Hradec in 1871-1942. the aim of my article is to process ethnographically valuable articles published during the 72 years of Ohlas od Nežárky and to evaluate the periodical in quantitative and qualitative terms. In the article, I attempted to outline the concept of the weekly periodical, to delimitate its geographic and thematic scope and thus create a work that would help other researchers with orientation in this rich printed source.
The First World War marked not only the “great” history, but it also entered the everyday lives of the inhabitants in the states at war; that means also in the Czech lands. It did not steer clear of pubs of different kinds. The war sorrows influenced the operation of hospitality establishments to a large extent. The war noticeably restricted the services the hospitality establishments delivered to accidental visitors as well as to regular clients,whereby the drastic decrease in basic refreshments, especially beer and other intoxicating beverages, as well as other kinds of refreshment was undoubtedly the most acute problem. As aconsequenceof various restrictions in hospitality establishments operation, the war conflict endangered the existence of many operators and owners of such firms whose business lost its sense the leisure time of wide layers of inhabitants, and the social life suffered as a consequence of the stifling atmosphere as well, as the pubs and inns were natural centres of social life. In addition, a considerable decrease in the number of those who usually were involved in local entertainments and pastimes made itself felt. Although politicizing was considerably restrictedat pubs and inns at that time, because it was strictly forbidden and checked, some establishments became a place of conspiracy against the existing monarchy. Pubs played an important role on the occasion of the declaration of independence in October 1918.