A new Microsporidium sp. infects Rhizophagus grandis Gyllenhall, a beetle which preys on the bark beetle Dendroctonus micans Kugellan in Turkey. Mature spores are single, uninucleate, oval in shape (3.75 ± 0.27 µm in length by 2.47 ± 0.13 µm in width), with a subapically fixed polar filament. The polar filament is anisofilar, coiled in 7-8 normal and 3-4 reduced coils. Other characteristic features of the microsporidium are the four/five nuclear divisions to form 16/32 (commonly 16) spores, subpersistent sporophorous vesicles (pansporoblasts) remaining till formation of the endospore, and the vesicles dissolved with free mature spores. The polaroplast is divided into three zones: an amorphous zone, dense layers, and a lamellar-tubular area extending to the central part of the spore.
An exceptional 10-hour enhancement in the level of the soft X-ray emission, most probably originated in an exceptionally active region with flares at the eastern limb of the disk on Jan. 25, 1981, is described. This phonomenon has been called "an outstanding
X-ray emission of an active region" (1984) and is documented by measurements made independently on two probes, i.e. GEQS-2 and PROGNOZ-8. The rise in the level of the X-ray emission (2-8 keV) amounted to about one order of magnitude (from l10^-6 to 10^-5 Wm^-2). The separate emission of flares are superimposed on this large enhancement. During the event, 3 outbursts were recorded int the 80 - 160 keV range, in each case at the time of recurrent flares in the region at the E limb (S 14, E 90) (Křivský and Scheirich, 1984). The most significant flares of this period were recorded by the coronograph on Lomnický štít. The flare had the form of ascending flare loops, at the sides of which ejections towards the corona or arcs receding to the disk could be observed. Radio burst of type IV and II occurred in the explosive phase of the flare, as well as a hard X-ray emission burst within the same interval in which bright flare loops were generated at the very beginning, and when partlcle acceleration apparently occurred. The fast particles were not recorded on the Earth due to its unfavourable position relative to their source and trajectory, but after 17:00 UT the X-ray photometer aboard the Prognoz-8 satellite registered a large number of unresolved fast particles (see Fig. 3). The studied phenomenon belongs to the interval of the Solar Maximum Year (Aug. 1979 - Feb. 1981).
This article briefly surveys selected methods for measuring of optical surface shapes, especially aspherical surfaces, their advantages and parameters of devices applicable for this kind of measurement. Aspheres, in view of their great application potential, are currently in the focus of many scientific institutions and companies involved in optical manufacturing. The measurement possibilities of these devices are presented only roughly, their measuring range depends on the details of the specific application. and Článek je stručným přehledem vybraných metod měření tvaru optických ploch, především asférických, které vzhledem k jejich aplikačnímu potenciálu jsou v současné době v centru pozornosti mnoha vědeckých pracovišť a firem zabývajících se optickou výrobou. Článek poslouží všem zájemcům o parametrech speciálních přístrojů a jejich použití pro tento druh měření. Informace o měřicích rozsazích přístrojů je pouze orientační a závisí na konkrétní aplikaci.
Net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal conductance (gS), transpiration rate (E), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), leaf water potential (Ψw), leaf area, chlorophyll (Chl) content, and the activities of photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle (PCR) enzymes in two mulberry (Morus alba L.) cultivars (drought tolerant Anantha and drought sensitive M-5) were studied during water stress and recovery. During water stress, PN, gS, and E declined whereas Ci increased. PN, gS, and E were less affected in Anantha than in M-5, which indicates tolerance nature of Anantha over M-5. Activities of ribulose-5-phosphate kinase, NAD- and NADP-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenases, and 3-phosphoglycerate kinase decreased with increasing stress in both the cultivars. The enzyme activities less affected in tolerant (Anantha) than in sensitive cultivar (M-5) were restored after re-watering to almost initial values in both the cultivars. Re-watering of the plants led to an almost complete recovery of PN, E, and gS, indicating that a short-term stress brings about reversible effect in these two cultivars of mulberry. and S. Thimmanaik ... [et al.].