The paper presents the results of the study of the sediments deposition process in a settling basin by using a k-ε turbulence model. The results obtained are than compared with the results obtained by using 1 and 2 D mathematical models and field measurements. In the first step, the settling basin is designed based on the formulae recommended by classical approach. The transition zone at the entrance of settling basin is then adjusted to satisfy more uniform flow at the beginning of the active zone. The flow velocity variation and bed shear stress distribution over the cross section area are furthermore analyzed and questions suggesting further development of mathematical models are identified. For the second step, a schematized settling basin is then modelled in three-dimensional laterally confined model for the purpose of dealing with turbulences that potentially bring more sediment to the side and to the end of settling basin. Finally, recommendations for the design of settling basin are given by analyzing the results obtained by both mathematical and empirical methods. By comparison of the results obtained and field measurements made in Indonesia, useful design recommendations are derived. and Príspevok obsahuje výsledky štúdia sedimentačného procesu v usadzovacej nádrži s využitím modelu turbulencie k-ε. Takto získané výsledky sú porovnané s tými, ktoré boli získané pomocou jedno- a dvojdimenzionálneho modelu a s terénnymi meraniami. Najskôr bol sedimentačný bazén navrhnutý pomocou klasických vzorcov. Prechodová zóna a vstup do usadzovacieho bazénu bol potom upravený tak, aby zabezpečil relatívne homogénne prúdenie na začiatku aktívnej zóny. Boli analyzované zmeny rýchlosti prúdenia a rozdelenie trecích napätí na dne v priečnych rezoch koryta a boli identifikované problémy, ktoré by umožnili ďalší vývoj matematických modelov tohto javu. V ďalšom kroku bol modelovaný schematizovaný usadzovací bazén ako trojrozmerný, na oboch stranách ohraničený model, aby sa dalo manipulovať s turbulenciou, ktorá by mohla potenciálne dopraviť viac sedimentov na strany a na koniec sedimentačnej nádrže. Nakoniec uvádzame odporúčania pre návrh sedimentačných nádrží, vychádzajúc z výsledkov využitia matematických aj emprických metód. Porovnaním týchto výsledkov s výsledkami terénnych meraní v Indonézii boli navrhnuté užitočné odporúčania.
This text presents an analysis of the recent emphasis in HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns: the discursive constructions of HIV/AIDS as an issue of risk and its management. Specifically, the text discusses the prevention materials produced by state-funded institutions in the Czech Republic. The aim of the text is twofold: First, it analyses the specific discourse (and rationality) of risk that permeates HIV/AIDS prevention in relation to and as a part of modern biopolitics and (self-)governance. Second, the text examines the discourse of risk for its gendered implications and its re-inscription of gendered power inequalities., Kateřina Kolářová., Obsahuje bibliografii, and Anglické resumé
The Indian society is ''in-between'' tradition and modernity. Religious archetypes and subsequent social and gender stereotypes prevail in many respects but they are in a process of dynamic changes. Conceptualizing identity still faces the shadow of the colonial heritage. An independent national discourse may not, however, always overcome marginalization inside the society, both the gender and ethnic ones. Some Indian feminists do not see Hinduism as a religion principally subjecting women; they stress the tradition of a strong female element in mythology and its appeal on community solidarity and sharing. Others rather strive for secularism, often connecting feminism with a political left (namely in Bengal). The law in the Indian Republic forbids any form of discrimination. Each group has a legitimate right for a political representation. But who will represent and be listened to is mostly a matter of the power decision (see G. C. Spivak and C. T. Mohanty). As Spivak maintains, a basic prerequisite for removing discriminations of the marginalized is the cooperation on creating a space, where the subaltern can themselves articulate their voice.
The participation and representation of women in decision-making bodies is an important factor in evaluating the level of political culture and the quality of democracy in a country. In the Czech Republic, and in post-communist countries in general, the representation of women in decision-making is imbalanced when compared with the representation of men. This fact is indicative of patterns of governance and the attitudes and values of citizens and suggests a generally passive citizenship in post-communist countries. In reaction to this development, there have been a number of analyses on women in politics in recent years. In general these studies concentrate on the barriers facing women entering politics and actively involved in political life. In recent years there has been a tendency in the media to give space to women who have left politics and have them look back and evaluate their career and the nature of politics. In this respect the academic sphere is lagging behind. The authors of this article aim to fill in this gap. They examine the following question: why do women leave politics after having struggled so hard to get in? They focus on the experiences of women who, in most of the cases, spent more than a decade in politics. They look at the women’s retrospective evaluations of their political careers, at life-work balance in politics, and the women’s experience of departing from politics. The article concludes that the key factor behind entry into politics, and behind maintaining a political career, is the relationships within political parties. Stereotypes and strategies continue to influence the strategic choices of actors, who assimilate into the existing political culture and choose not to generate considerable pressure for change in gender relations in political life., Petra Rakušanová, Lenka Václavíková-Helšusová., and Obsahuje bibliografii