Benedict ANDERSON, Představy společenství. Úvahy o původu a šíření nacionalismu . Praha: Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2008 ( Imagined
Communities. Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, 1983, přeložil Petr Fantys). and [autor recenze] Radim Hladík.
Membrane-bound bicarbonate is believed by some to act as an essential activator of photosystem 2 (PS2) electron transport. Formáte and other inhibitory monovalent anions act by removing bound-bicarbonate. This belief relies to a great extent on the observation that formáte (100 mM) pretreated thylakoids exhibit a non- proportionality between Hill activity (HAR) and chlorophyll (Chl) concentration when preirradiated with bright radiation in reaction mixture that contains only 5 mM formáte. The non-linearity was attributed to a supposed loosening of residual bicarbonate still present after formáte treatment and which would be more abundant at higher Chl concentrations. In repeating this experiment, we observed an increase in HAR at higher Chl concentrations in preirradiated, but also in non-preirradiated samples, the latter were simply left in the dark for 3 min before measurements were made. Therefore, preirradiation is not needed to restore some HAR in formáte pretreated samples; a 3 min wait in the electrode chamber at low formáte concentration is sufficient to partially relieve the formáte inhibition of PS2 activity. Moreover, HAR in samples preirradiated by weak radiation, or not preirradiated at all, was directly proportional to Chl concentration. We can attribute the increase in activity to a dissociation of bound formáte, not necessarily to the effect of residual bicarbonate. Non-linearity in HAR with Chl concentration was found only in high- irradiance pretreated samples. We can attribute this to a greater amount of photoinhibition occurring in the dilute samples, where the effective irradiance was greater. There is no need to postuláte the existence of residual bound bicarbonate to explain these results.
Pterygodermatites (Mesopectines) nycticebi (Mönnig, 1920) (Nematoda: Spirurida: Rictulariidae) is redescribed based on immature and mature adults collected from the stomach and small intestine at autopsy of a slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Boddaert, 1785) (Mammalia: Primates), in a zoological garden in Japan. It is first demonstrated that male possesses a minute telamon and a left lateral pore in the preanal part of body. The cause of death of the slow loris is strongly surmised to be related to the nematode infection, which was apparently acquired under captivity in the zoological garden.
Success of erbium doped fiber amplifiers in telecommunications recently stimulated spectacular progress of fiber lasers that can be now considered as a substitute for conventional solid-state lasers in many applications. In the contribution we review basic principles of fiber lasers, including high-power fiber lasers that utilize cladding pumping. We summarize also important applications of these new sources of laser radiation and we present in more detail research results in this field in the Institute of Photonics and Electronics. and Úspěch erbiem dopovaných vláknových zesilovačů v telekomunikacích podnítil i nedávný pozoruhodný rozvoj vláknových laserů, které v mnoha aplikacích mohou nahradit konvenční pevnolátkové lasery. V článku jsou popsány základní principy vláknových laserů, včetně vláknových laserů s vysokým výkonem čerpaných přes plášť. Jsou zde také shrnuty nejdůležitější aplikace těchto nových zdrojů laserového záření a podrobněji jsou uvedeny výsledky výzkumu v tomto oboru v Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky.