Skulls, jaws and teeth of wild terrestrial small mammals (Sciuridae, Soricidae, Erinaceidae, Talpidae, Gliridae, Arvicolidae, Muridae) are occasionally affected by anomalies and pathologies. The present study documents a total of 362 anomalies and 122 pathological changes across 20 different species. These are all based on data published in Germany, supplemented by our own records. Cases were classified into 14 different categories, according to bone and dental anomalies, fractures and inclusions, bone proliferation, dental disease and extreme wear of teeth. An additional category to specifically account for bone proliferation of the skull was not needed, but such findings are to be expected. The most frequent finding was abnormal tooth growth, particularly the elongation of the upper incisors. In individual cases, there was evidence that small mammals are able to recover even from serious injuries to the skull.
Cílem příspěvku z dějin českého politického myšlení je rekonstrukce představy ''dynamické demokracie'' Zdeňka Nejedlého. Studie chce objasnit následující otázky: Jaké formy demokracie Nejedlý rozlišuje? Jaké jsou charakteristiky, základy, výhody a nevýhody různých forem demokracie? Východiskem Nejedlého pochopení demokracie je normativní protiklad mezi demokracií a aristokratismem, z kterého vychází teorie ''dynamické demokracie''. Ta je výrazem názoru, že historický vývoj demokracie nutně vede od feudální přes měšťanskou k hospodářské a sociální demokracii i k demokracii sovětského typu, tzn. k systému sovětů. Feudální a měšťanská demokracie pro Nejedlého představovaly dobré formy, současně je však považoval za zastaralé. Měšťanská demokracie je jako taková spojena s ideologií měšťanstva, s liberalismem a s parlamentem. Nejedlý měšťanské demokracii vyčítal omezení na politiku, ztrátu vztahů mezi lidem a poslanci, a skutečnost, že neodpovídala daným společenským poměrům, což podle něj vedlo k zvrhnutí demokracie v aristokracii. Proto Nejedlý považoval za nutné rozšířit dosavadní politickou demokracii na hospodářskou a sociální úroveň. Zároveň bylo pro něj nevyhnutelné změnit dosavadní reprezentační systém, který je spojen s parlamentem. Místo parlamentu chtěl zavést systém sovětů, který byl podle něj pro 20. století vhodnější.Demokracie sovětského typu se na rozdíl od měšťanské nemůže zvrhnout v aristokracii. Nejedlého teorie ''dynamické demokracie'' popisuje rudimentární koloběh ústav. Demokratické ústavy se mohou zvrhnout v aristokracii, pokud zastupitelé lidu ztratí kontakt s lidem. Zavedením systému sovětů a rozšířením politické demokracie na další oblasti společenského života je však možné se této hrozbě vyhnout., This article is about the history of Czech political thinking reconstructs Zdeněk Nejedlý’s conception of ''dynamic democracy''. The author clarifies which concepts of democracy are distinguished by Nejedlý and which attributes, bases, advantages and disadvantages result from these forms of democracy. Nejedlý’s conception of ''dynamic democracy'' is based on a normative contradiction of democracy and aristocratism. He was convinced that the development of democracy inevitably emerges from feudal and bourgeois states of democracy to its contemporary economic and social forms but also to a democracy of the Soviet type (system of Soviets). According to Nejedlý, feudal and bourgeois types of democracy have been forms of a good quality, but they were outdated in the 20th century. The bourgeois form of democracy is based on the ideology of citizenship, on liberalism and on parliamentary principals. Nejedlý criticized its limitations - for example its strict political definition and the lack of relationships between people and their representatives. Bourgeois democracy simply did not correspond with contemporary society, which, according to Nejedlý, led to the transition from democracy to aristocracy. Therefore, he struggled for a broadening of political (bourgeois) democracy towards a more liberal form in its economic and social sense. At the same time, he advocated the transition from representative parliamentary systems to the system of soviets, which in his eyes would be more appropriate for the 20th century. Unlike bourgeois democracy, its soviet form could not be transited into aristocracy. Nejedlý’s theory of ''dynamic democracy'' describes fundamental alternations of constitutions. Democratic constitutions can be transited into aristocracy if people’s representatives lose their contact with their voters. This threat can be avoided only by introducing the soviet system and by the broadening of the political democracy. (Translated by Dirk Dalberg), and Překlad resumé: Dirk Dalberg
V úvodu se autor zmiňuje o dvou otevřených otázkách vyplývajících z klasického pojmu slovních druhů v souvislosti s francouzským slovem même, jehož různým použitím se zabývá, přičemž každé použití asociuje s nějakým dosahem. Pro všechna použití même navrhuje jedinou základní hodnotu (marqueur d'opération operační ukazatel) a nastiňuje konstrukci každého kanonického významu z této základní hodnoty. Uzavírá návrhem formální charakteristiky pojmu marqueur {marqueur d'opération) a ukazuje lingvistické, epistemologické a heuristické aspekty zkoumané otázky.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune neurological disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS), leading to demyelination and axonal damage and resulting in a range of physical, mental or even psychiatric symptoms. Key role of oxidative stress (OS) in the pathogenesis of MS has been suggested, as indicated by the biochemical analysis of cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples, tissue homogenates, and animal models of multiple sclerosis. OS causes demyelination and neurodegeneration directly, by oxidation of lipids, proteins and DNA but also indirectly, by inducing a dysregulation of the immunity and favoring the state of proinflammatory response. In this review, we discuss the interrelated mechanisms of the impaired redox signaling, of which the most important are inflammation-induced production of free radicals by activated immune cells and growth factors, release of iron from myelin sheath during demyelination and mitochondrial dysfunction and consequent energy failure and impaired oxidative phosphorylation. Review also provides an overview of the interplay between inflammation, immunity and OS in MS. Finally, this review also points out new potential targets in MS regarding attenuation of OS and inflammatory response in MS.
In the first part of the article, the author discusses the didactic work Deremediis utriusque fortune, in which Petrach’s Augustine-inspired pessimismfinds its extreme expression. In the second part, the article points out that inBohemia the reception of Petrarch as a moralist was fundamentally differentfrom the usual image of him as a humanist. It discusses the appeal thatPetrarch’s moral philosophy had for reform-minded figures like Řehoř Hrubýz Jelení (c. 1460—1514) and Mikuláš Konáč z Hodiškova (c. 1480—1546), andanalyzes Jan Češka’s Řeči a naučení hlubokých mudrců (Words and teachingsof the great sages c. 1500), a florilegium based for the most part on Deremediis. On the basis of a comparison of Češka’s translations and paraphrasesof De remediis, the author concludes (in opposition to Josef Macek) that inČeška’s work Petrarch’s rigorous, inwardly oriented Augustinian concept ofVirtue is superseded by the essentially more open, concept of Reason orientedto this world, and that Petrarch’s pessimism is thus reinterpreted in the spiritof positive, confident proto-Reformation thinking.
With help of suitable anisotropic Minkowski’s contents and Hausdorff measures some results are obtained concerning removability of singularities for solutions of partial differential equations with anisotropic growth in the vicinity of the singular set.
Fourteen species (twelve adult and two larval) of nematodes belonging to the Ascaridoidea, Camallanoidea, Cosmocercoidea, Habronematoidea, Oxyuroidea, Seuratoidea and Trichinelloidea were collected from fishes in the Sudan (River Nile and Atbara Dam Lake), whereas only four species (one adult and three larval) of the Ascaridoidea, Camallanoidea, Dioctophymatoidea and Trichinelloideafrom fishes in Ethiopia (Lake Tana). The Sudanese material also contained two previously unknown species, Cucullanus mormyri sp. n. from Mormyrus caschive Linnaeus (type host), Mormyrus sp. and Marcusenius cyprinoides (Linnaeus) (all Mormyridae), and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pseudospiralis sp. n. from Synodontis schall (Bloch et Schneider) (type host), S. frontosus Vaillant and S. nigrita Valenciennes (all Mochokidae), which are described based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies. Cucullanus baylisi Campana-Rouget, 1961, a little-known parasite of Synodontis spp., is redescribed in detail. A key to Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) spp. from African inland fishes is provided. Falcaustra guiersi Vassiliadès, 1973 is considered a junior synonym of F. hexapapillata (Khalil, 1962). The findings represent several new host and geographical records. Cucullanus baylisi Lakshmi, 2000 (= a homonym to C. baylisi Campana-Rouget, 1961) is re-named as C. dubius nom. n. and is considered a species inquirenda., František Moravec, Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The ongoing covid-19 epidemic has affected the entire world. Somewhat surprisingly, it is not the case that the most successful countries are the richest one, with the best health care. Nor is there a clear link between success and geographical location. Above all, much of the rich Western world has failed so far to protect public health effectively, and so it is appropriate to consider the question why. In this article, I focus mainly on the choice of the basic epidemiological strategy, which I consider to be one of the key factors of success or failure of many countries. I further criticize the view that the protection of human lives would harm the economy or other important values of societies. and Probíhající epidemie onemocnění covid-19 se dotkla celého světa. Poněkud překvapivě neplatí, že nejúspěšnější země jsou ty nejbohatší a s nejlepším zdravotnictvím. Stejně tak neplatí ani jasná souvislost mezi úspěchem a geografickou polohou. Především značná část bohatého západního světa v ochraně veřejného zdraví doposud selhávala a je proto vhodné položit si otázku, proč tomu tak je. V tomto článku se zaměřuji především na volbu základní epidemiologické strategie, kterou považuji za jeden z klíčových faktorů úspěchu či neúspěchu mnoha zemí. Kritickému rozboru dále podrobuji názor, že by ochrana lidských životů poškozovala ekonomiku či jiné důležité společenské hodnoty.
a1_Based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies, eight species (five adult and three larval) of nematodes belonging to the Ascaridida, Oxyurida and Enoplida were collected from fishes of the Okavango River, Botswana, namely Falcaustra similis Moravec et Van As, 2004, Atractidae gen. sp. (only female) (both Cosmocercoidea), Cucullanus sp. (only female) (Seuratoidea), Cithariniella longicaudata sp. n., Synodontisia annulata sp. n. (both Oxyuroidea), Contracaecum sp. third-stage larvae, third-stage larvae of Galeiceps sp. (both Ascaridoidea) and Eustrongylides sp. fourth-stage larvae (Dioctophymatoidea). The new species Citharinella longicaudata (type host Schilbe intermedius Rüppel) is mainly characterised by the shape and size of cephalic papillae and the spicule 108 µm long, and Synodontisia annulata (type host S. intermedius) by the shape of cephalic papillae, body length of gravid females (4.88-5.33 mm) and a short spicule (66 µm long). The female specimen of Cucullanus sp. from Tilapia sparmanni Smith markedly differs from congeners parasitising inland fishes in Africa by the elongate pseudobuccal capsule and by the excretory pore far posterior to the oesophago-intestinal junction; apparently, it belongs to an undescribed species. Galeiceps larvae parasitising fishes are described for the first time. Cithariniella gonzalezi Van Waerebeke, Chabaud, Bain et Georges, 1988 is considered a junior synonym of C. khalili Petter, Vassiliadès et Troncy, 1972, and the previous records of Cithariniella citharini Khalil, 1964 from Synodontis spp. in Egypt concern, in fact, Cithariniella khalili Petter, Vassiliadès et Troncy, 1972., a2_The specimens of Cithariniella reported by Koubková et al. (2010) from Paradistichodus dimidiatus (Pellegrin) in Senegal and misidentified as C. gonzalesi Van Waerebeke, Chabaud, Bain et Georges, 1988 are considered to represent a new species, C. koubkovae sp. n.; this is established by reference to the description and drawings provided by Koubková et al. (2010)., František Moravec, Liesl L. Van As., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A synopsis of the species of Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 (Cnidaria, Myxosporea, Myxobolidae) described from 2014 up till now is presented. It includes 122 nominal species described all over the world. For each of the species, the most relevant morphological and morphometric data, as well as data are provided related to the location in the host, type host and type locality. The GenBank accession numbers are provided whenever possible, and the spores were redrawn based on the original descriptions. The bibliography includes all the papers containing the species descriptions.