

Below is the list of corpora in the TEITOK/Kontext hybrid set-up, hosted at ÚFAL. To get a larger list of TEITOK projects, see the TEITOK project page. A larger list of Kontext corpora at the UFAL institute can be found in the KonText corpus list, or in the repository. For corpora that have multiple versions in TEITOK, only the most recent version is displayed, but you can click on the version number to see all versions of the corpus. The corpora are listed by corpus type, a description of which can be found here

Corpus Status = stable (reset)

AcronymLatestToken sizeCorpus TypeCorpus StatusCorpus ContentCorpus Language(s)
infoDeltaCorpus1.194MLRL CorpusstableMany
infoHaCzech18kFacsimile CorpusstableHandwritten textsCzech
infoMakoň2020-11-164.2MSpoken CorpusstableTranscribed talksCzech
infoOCRCZ27MFacsimile CorpusstablePrinted materialCzech
infoParCzech3.027MSpoken CorpusstableParliamentary sessionsCzech
infoParlaMint4.01.4GSpecialized corpusstableParliamentary sessionsMany
infoSIR1.0250kSpecialized CorpusstableNewspaper articlesCzech
infoUniversal Dependencies2.1432MTreebankstableMany

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