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Spoken corpus of Karel Makoň

This is a searchable version of the spoken corpus of Karel Makoň, as deposited in the LINDAT repository. The corpus consists of talks by Karel Makoň, given to his friends in the course of the late sixties through early nineties of the 20th century. The topic is mostly christian mysticism. The aim of the corpus is to preserve and utilize the legacy of Karel Makoň.

Karel Makoň lived in Czechoslovakia in the twentieth century, experienced the end of the world and rebirth from water and spirit, and tried to pass on instructions to imitate his experience and achieve eternal life to others.

The automatic transcripts of the texts, as well as the digital versions of the recordings were created by Jan Evangelista Oldřich Krůza. For this searchable version, the transcription files were converted to TEI/XML and then parsed using UDPipe