In analogy with effect algebras, we introduce the test spaces and $MV$-test spaces. A test corresponds to a hypothesis on the propositional system, or, equivalently, to a partition of unity. We show that there is a close correspondence between $MV$-algebras and $MV$-test spaces.
In this paper the author proved the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent. As an application he proved the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted variable Lebesgue space. The proof of the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with a variable exponent does not contain any mistakes. But in the proof of the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted variable Lebesgue space Georgian colleagues discovered a small but significant error in my paper, which was published as R. A. Bandaliev, The boundedness of certain sublinear operator in the weighted variable Lebesgue spaces, Czech. Math. J. 60 (2010), 327–337.
We consider the space $D(X,Y)$ of densely continuous forms introduced by Hammer and McCoy and investigated also by Holá. We show some additional properties of $D(X,Y)$ and investigate the subspace $D^*(X)$ of locally bounded real-valued densely continuous forms equipped with the topology of pointwise convergence $\tau _p$. The largest part of the paper is devoted to the study of various cardinal functions for $(D^*(X),\tau _p)$, in particular: character, pseudocharacter, weight, density, cellularity, diagonal degree, $\pi $-weight, $\pi $-character, netweight etc.
An on-chip learning Artificial Neural Network (ANN) implementation
using the Pulse Width Modulatioii (PWM) technique is proposed in this paper. Synapse and neuron are analog circuits, while digital counters are utilized to store the weights. Through the PWM circuit, the digital weight is converted into a pulse signal as the input of the analog synapse circuit. The analog modified quantity of weight is transformed into a weight-update pulse signal whose width is proportion to the value of the weight modiřication quantity. The learning rule is bcised on the weight perturbation algorithrn. In this way, the weight can be long-terni-stored and ecisily modified, thereas the synapse and the neuron are of a small size in the silicon area and the learning Circuit is feasible for implementation. Taking the advantages of both the analog and the digital realizations of the ANN, this method is a meaningful way to the implementation of on-chip ANN and fuzzy processors.
An ICR outbred suckling mouse model of cryptosporidiosis was used to explain some of the variability associated with experimental Cryptosporidium parvum infections in neonate mice. Fourty four groups of 12 mice each, ranging in age from 4-12 days, each received 1.0 x 104 CsCl purified oocysts per os in 5 pm PBS. At 6 days post-inoculation (PI), mice were killed by C02 overdose and individually weighed. Intestines were then homogenized and oocysts were quantified by hemacytometer. Results revealed that both age and weight have pronounced effects on numbers of oocysts produced in vivo, with larger and older mice producing higher numbers of parasites. Mice 8-9 days of age at the time of inoculation displayed the least amount of weight dependent variability, produced the highest numbers of oocysts, and were judged to be superior over other ages for pharmaceutical screening. Significant reductions in numbers of oocysts occurred in mice inoculated at 10 days of age, and only a few oocysts were found in mice inoculated at 11-12 days of age. These studies suggest that at least some data on Cryptosporidium generated from suckling mouse studies to date are probably unreliable and should be viewed skeptically.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different diets on the development and reproduction of Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Heteroptera: Miridae). Using 2 laboratory generations (F1 and F2) obtained from field-collected L. rugulipennis, the following diets were tested: beans, beans plus Tenebrio molitor (L.) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) pupae, and a commercial artificial diet, which was developed for mass rearing of Lygus hesperus Knight. As oviposition substrates, beans and agar/parafilm rolls were used. Our data show that both the artificial diet and the artificial oviposition substrate were ineffective substitutes for beans for both laboratory generations. Stage-dependent and total survival rates clearly indicated that F1 Lygus bugs survive significantly longer when they are reared on vegetable substrates i.e., beans and beans plus pupae. The differential effects of the diets were more pronounced in the F2 generation, in which the embryonic development was longer for eggs from females reared on the artificial diet than on beans, and in which the second instar nymphs did not survive on the artificial diet. Both the total duration of post-embryonic development and the longevity of F1 males were shorter on the artificial diet than on beans. Female fecundity was affected by diet in terms of total duration of the oviposition period and mean number of eggs laid/female, since these parameters were lower on the artificial substrate, compared with those obtained on the bean substrate. However, the diet did not affect the morphological parameters, as there were no significant variations in weight, width of cephalic capsule, and tibia and hemelytra length. Since L. rugulipennis cannot be reared on the commercially available artificial diet, we discuss the necessity to improve both the artificial diet and oviposition substrate so that this Lygus bug and its specific egg parasitod Anaphes fuscipennis Haliday (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) can be mass reared.
Nástropní freska: v oblacích polonahá žena s palmovou ratolestí, shlíží se v zrcadle, které před ní drží dva putti. Další dva putti před ní drží přesýpací hodiny a hada, dva putti drží za ženou draperii. Okolo jsou umístěny čtyři monochromní alegorické postavy. Na severu Hlad (CARESTIA): hubená stařena s vrbovou ratolestí a kusem pemzy. Na západě je Bohatství (RICCHEZZA), žena s s parlami ve vlasech, v rukou má žezlo a korunu. Na jihu je Blahobyt (ABONDANZA): žena s vavřínovým věncem na hlavě, obilnými klasy a rohem hojnosti. Na východě je Chudoba (POVERTA): žena se závažím přikovaným k pravici a křídly na levici., Mádl 2008#., and Nástropní malba je umístěna v důležité místnosti v prvním patře, jež byla součásti tří místností situovaných na východní straně severního křídla, v sousedství vstupu do palácové kaple. Tyto místnosti byly protějškem Saturnova sálu uprostřed jižního křídla. Do těchto reprezentačních prostor paláce se vcházelo chodbami vedoucími na hlavní schodiště (z Malé jídelny se vcházelo na západní straně do Velké jídelny a na východní straně do Rokokového salonku). Personifikace okolo ústředního panelu, na kterém je Prudentia, jsou orientovány se zřetelem na umístění českého království ve svaté říši římské, na severu a východě jsou personifikace hladu a chudoby (CARESTIA, RICCHEZZA), zatímco na jihu a západě jsou personifikace blahobytu a bohatství (ABONDANZA, POVERTA). Vzorem pro personifikace byla Ripova Iconologia.
We develop a theory of removable singularities for the weighted Bergman space ${\mathcal A}^p_\mu (\Omega )=\lbrace f \text{analytic} \text{in} \Omega \: \int _\Omega |f|^p \mathrm{d}\mu < \infty \rbrace $, where $\mu $ is a Radon measure on $\mathbb{C}$. The set $A$ is weakly removable for ${\mathcal A}^p_\mu (\Omega \setminus A)$ if ${\mathcal A}^p_\mu (\Omega \setminus A) \subset \text{Hol}(\Omega )$, and strongly removable for ${\mathcal A}^p_\mu (\Omega \setminus A)$ if ${\mathcal A}^p_\mu (\Omega \setminus A) = {\mathcal A}^p_\mu (\Omega )$. The general theory developed is in many ways similar to the theory of removable singularities for Hardy $H^p$ spaces, $\mathop {\mathrm BMO}$ and locally Lipschitz spaces of analytic functions, including the existence of counterexamples to many plausible properties, e.g. the union of two compact removable singularities needs not be removable. In the case when weak and strong removability are the same for all sets, in particular if $\mu $ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure $m$, we are able to say more than in the general case. In this case we obtain a Dolzhenko type result saying that a countable union of compact removable singularities is removable. When $\mathrm{d}\mu = w\mathrm{d}m$ and $w$ is a Muckenhoupt $A_p$ weight, $1<p<\infty $, the removable singularities are characterized as the null sets of the weighted Sobolev space capacity with respect to the dual exponent $p^{\prime }=p/(p-1)$ and the dual weight $w^{\prime }=w^{1/(1-p)}$.
Pointfree formulas for three kinds of separating points for closed sets by maps are given. These formulas allow controlling the amount of factors of the target product space so that it does not exceed the weight of the embeddable space. In literature, the question of how many factors of the target product are needed for the embedding has only been considered for specific spaces. Our approach is algebraic in character and can thus be viewed as a contribution to Kuratowski's topological calculus.
Let $m$ be a positive integer, $0<\alpha <mn$, $\vec {b}=(b_{1},\cdots ,b_{m})\in {\rm BMO}^m$. We give sufficient conditions on weights for the commutators of multilinear fractional integral operators $\Cal {I}^{\vec {b}}_{\alpha }$ to satisfy a weighted endpoint inequality which extends the result in D. Cruz-Uribe, A. Fiorenza: Weighted endpoint estimates for commutators of fractional integrals, Czech. Math. J. 57 (2007), 153–160. We also give a weighted strong type inequality which improves the result in X. Chen, Q. Xue: Weighted estimates for a class of multilinear fractional type operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 362, (2010), 355–373.