About 30 percent of patients diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) progress to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The senescence of bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) seems to be one of the determining factors in inducing this drift. Research is continuously looking for new methodologies and technologies that can use bioelectric signals to act on senescence and cell differentiation towards the phenotype of interest. The Radio Electric Asymmetric Conveyer (REAC) technology, aimed at reorganizing the endogenous bioelectric activity, has already shown to be able to determine direct cell reprogramming effects and counteract the senescence mechanisms in stem cells. Aim of the present study was to prove if the anti-senescence results previously obtained in different kind of stem cells with the REAC Tissue optimization – regenerative (TO-RGN) treatment, could also be observed in BMSCs, evaluating cell viability, telomerase activity, p19ARF, P21, P53, and hTERT gene expression. The results show that the REAC TORGN treatment may be a useful tool to counteract the BMSCs senescence which can be the basis of AML drift. Nevertheless, further clinical studies on humans are needed to confirm this hypothesis.
Spinal cord injury results in a permanent neurological deficit due to tissue damage. Such a lesion is a barrier for “communication” between the brain and peripheral tissues, effectors as well as receptors. One of the primary goal s of tissue engineering is to bridge the spinal cord injury and re-establish the damaged connections. Hydrogels are biocompatible implants used in spinal cord injury repair. They can create a permissive environment and bridge the lesion cavities by providing a scaffold for the regeneration of neurons and their axons, glia and other tissue elements. The advantage of using artificial materials is the possibility to modify their physical and chemical properties in order to develop the best implant suitable for spinal cord injury repair. As a result, several types of hydrogels have been tested in experimental studies so far. We review our work that has been done during the last 5 years with various types of hydrogels and their applications in experimental spinal cord injury repair., A. Hejčl, P. Lesný, M. Přádný, J. Michálek, P. Jendelová, J. Štulík, E. Syková., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The gold standard material in bypass surgery of blood vessels remains the patient’s own artery or vein. However, this material may be unavailable, or may suffer vein graft disease. Currently available vascular prostheses, namely polyethylene terephthalate (PET, Dacron) and expanded poly tetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE), perform well as large-caliber replacements, but their long-term patency is discouraging in small-caliber applications (<6 mm), such as in coronary, crural or microvessel surgery. This failure is mainly a result of an unfavorable healing process with surface thrombogenicity, due to lack of endothelial cells and anastomotic intimal hyperplasia caused by hemodynamic disturbances. An ideal small-diameter vascular graft has become a major focus of research. Novel biomaterials have been manufactured, and tissue-biomaterial interactions have been optimized. Tissue engineering technology has proven that the concept of partially or totally living blood vessels is feasible. The purpose of this review is to outline the vascular graft materials that are currently being implanted, taking into account cell-biomaterial physiology, tissue engineering approaches and the collective achievements of the authors., J. Chlupáč, E. Filová, L. Bačáková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cellular response to ionizing radiation-induced damage depends on the cell type and the ability to repair DNA damage. Some types of cells undergo apoptosis, whereas others induce a permanent cell cycle arrest and do not proliferate. Our study demonstrates two types of response of embryonic diploid fibroblasts WI-38 to ionizing radiation. In the WI-38 cells p53 is activated, protein p21 increases, but the cells are arrested in G2 phase of cell cycle. Some of the cells die by apoptosis, but in remaining viable cells p16 increases, senescence associated DNA- damage foci occur, and senescence-associated beta-galactosidase activity increases, which indicate stress-induced premature senescence., J. Cmielová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The effects of single subcutaneous injection of cadmium chloride on haemopoiesis in normal (non- irradiated) or irradiated mice were investigated. Cadmium doses used ranged from 1-8 mg/kg body weight. Twenty-four hours after treatment with cadmium (doses from 3 to 8 mg/kg) there were no significant changes in bone marrow cellularity and the granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cell (GM- CFC) number per femur in non-irradiated female ICR mice. Similarly, during the 30-day postinjection period bone marrow cellularity and marrow GM-CFC number in mice treated with a cadmium dose of 5 mg/kg were not significantly different from the control values. Cadmium significantly reduced the lethal effects of gamma rays. In addition, increasing the doses of cadmium administered 24 h prior to sublethal irradiation increased the number of endogenous haemopoietic stem cells (endoCFU-S) in a concentration-dependent manner. Pretreatment with cadmium also decreased the radiation damage to endoCFU-S and haemopoietic progenitor cells committed to granulocyte/macrophage development (GM-CFC). The survival of stem cells was higher and the regeneration of cellularity and GM-CFC of irradiated bone marrow was accelerated in mice pretreated with 5 mg Cd/kg body weight in comparison with saline-injected mice.
The subject of the study is the analysis of two arguments that have appeared in the Czech-Slovak philosophical setting in the context of discussions about the moral evaluation of research into stem cells of human embryos. We have presented various reasons (varied understandings of potentiality and the vagueness of the expression “living human body”), on the basis of which we must reject the argument of P. Volek concerning the unconditional protection of each human zygote. With respect to the argument of A. Doležal, D. Černý a T. Doležal, we have shown that their critique of the conception of non-individuality of the early human embryo relies on the identification of the concept of the “individual” with the concept “particular” which, for ontological reasons, cannot be accepted. In both of the analysed bioethical arguments the key role of metaphysical concepts and conceptions is easily demonstrated., Peter Sýkora., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Publikace Kmenové buňky – etické a právní aspekty výzkumu je společným dílem Davida Černého a Adama a Tomáše Doležalových. Publikace představuje zatím první významnější pojednání na dané téma v českém prostředí. Text je rozdělen do tří částí. První část přináší základní informace o kmenových buňkách. Druhá část pojednává o etických aspektech výzkumu na těchto buňkách. Tento výzkum vyvolává vážné etické kontroverze. Jedná se o tu část výzkumu, jež se věnuje embryonálním kmenovým buňkám. Tyto buňky jsou totiž získávány z lidských embryií, a to za cenu jejich zničení. Základní morální dilema pak vyvstává v souvislosti s otázkou po ontologickém, morálním statutu těchto embryií. Jedná se v případě lidského embrya o plnohodnotnou lidskou osobu, potencionálního lidského jedince či pouhý shluk buněk? Odpověď na tuto otázku má nepochybně zásadní význam. Specififické místo v rámci druhé části zaujímá filozoficky zaměřená kapitola, v níž se autoři snaží vyvrátit teorie, jež zpochybňují individuální a personální povahu lidského embrya. Třetí část je věnována právním aspektům výzkumu na embryonálních kmenových buňkách. Autoři zde podrobně informují o řešení této problematiky v různých mezinárodních právních dokumentech i v legislativách jednotlivých státu. Značná pozornost je zde věnována právnímu režimu získávání a používání embryonálních kmenových buněk v České republice. and The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book Stem cells - ethical and legal aspects of the research processed by Institute of State and Law of Czech Academy of Sciences in 2013 in Prague. As the title suggests the book itself is focused on most problematic issues related to the medical research on stem cells, especially on human embryonic stem cells, its main features and possibilities of solution. Paper itself describes the main interesting parts of the book.
The design of favorable mechanical properties and suitable surface modifications of hydrogels in order to stimulate specific cell response is a great challenge. N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacryl-amide (HPMA) was utilized to form macroporous cryogel scaffolds for stem cell applications. Furthermore, one group of scaffolds was enhanced by copolymerization of HPMA with methacryoyl-GGGRGDS-OH peptide in an effort to integrate biomimetic adhesion sites. The cryogels were characterized by stiffness and equilibrium swelling measurements as well as by scanning electron microscopy. Cell culture experiments were performed with human adipose-derived stem cells and substrates were found completely non-toxic. Moreover, RGDS-enriched cryogels supported cell attachment, spreading and proliferation, so they can be considered suitable for designed aims., A. Golunova, J. Jaroš, V. Jurtíková, I. Kotelnikov, J. Kotek, H. Hlídková, L. Streit, A. Hampl, F. Rypáček, V. Proks., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Studie analyzuje současný výzkum na poli vývojové dysfázie. Výzkum v posledních desetiletích ukázal, že vedle poruchy fonologických procesů se na vzniku dysfázie podílejí i specificky gramatické deficity a patrně i další rizikové faktory. Studie rozebírá navržené diagnostické markery vývojové dysfázie a jejich úlohu při odhalování etiologie poruchy. Dále rozebírá výzkum genetických vlivů na vznik vývojové dysfázie a úlohu tohoto výzkumu při odhalování funkčních mechanismů vývojových poruch učení. Studie rovněž věnuje pozornost současným pohledům na vztah mezi vývojovou dysfázií a dyslexií.
Leptin is a 16 kDa protein hormone involved in food intake, energy expenditure regulation and numerous other physiological processes. Recently, leptin has been demonstrated to stimulate hematopoietic stem cells in vitro. The aim of our study was to measure serum leptin and erythropoietin levels in patients with sideropenic (n =18) and pernicious anemia (n=7) before and during anemia treatment. Blood samples for the blood count, leptin and erythropoietin determinations were obtained by venepunction at the time of the diagnosis of anemia and after partial and complete anemia recovery. The relationships of serum leptin levels to erythropoietin levels and blood count parameters were also studied. No significant differences in serum leptin levels between the groups studied were found. The serum leptin levels in none of groups were modified by treatment of anemia (basal levels, the levels during treatment and after anemia recovery were 13.1±14.5 vs 12.8±15.6 vs 12.0±14.8 ng/ml in patients with sideropenic anemia and 7.8±8.5 vs 9.5±10.0 vs 8.9±6.6 ng/ml in patients with pernicious anemia). The erythropoietin levels were higher at the time of anemia in both groups and decreased significantly after partial or complete recovery. Serum leptin levels in both groups correlated positively with the body mass index. No significant relationships were found between serum leptin levels and erythropoietin values or various parameters of the peripheral blood count. We conclude that serum leptin levels in patients with sideropenic and pernicious anemia positively correlate with the body mass index but are not influenced by the treatment of anemia., M. Marková, M. Haluzík, J. Svobodová, M. Rosická, J. Nedvídková, T. Haas., and Obsahuje bibliografii