Štúdia pojednáva o sociálnych vzťahoch medzi rovesníkmi vo výchovnoinštitucionálnych kontextoch z hľadiska angažovanosti telesných prvkov v ich vzájomných interakciách. Ide o snahu prakticky rozvinúť tzv. etnografiu tela, ktorá namiesto rečovej analýzy zohľadňuje pozorovanie správania a prejavov participantov. Ozrejmené sú špecifické formy telesného kontaktu využívané jednak pri utváraní rovesníckych zoskupení a taktiež aj pri intencionálnom rovesníckom učení sa. and The study reports on social relations among peers in the contexts of various educational institutions. The aim of the study is to emphasize the importance of bodily expressions and their involvement in the constitution of peer-to-peer interactions, with focus on the ethnography of the body, reflecting rather the participants' behaviour than their speech. The author comments on various forms of corporeal contacts as key factors in the creation of peer groups and the intentional peer learning.
An essay by the contemporary Portuguese philosopher José Gil addresses the prominent American choreographer and dancer Merce Cunningham’s conception of dance. Gil emphasizes that Cunningham approaches dance in a way that is fundamentally different from the traditional mimetic and expressive paradigm. With the help of Giles Deleuze’s observations, Gil proves that even in the case of dance shorn of the faculty to represent and express emotional contents, we can talk about units of dance, about their meaning and unity, and thus about the language of dance. Gil spells out this idea by showing a parallel between dance, in Cunningham’s conception of it, and modern painting. and Esej současného portugalského filosofa Josého Gila se zabývá pojetím tance u významného amerického choreografa a tanečníka Merce Cunninghama. Gil zdůrazňuje, že Cunningham pojímá tanec způsobem, který se zásadně odlišuje od tradičního mimetického a expresivního paradigmatu. Za pomoci úvah Gilese Deleuze Gil dokazuje, že i v případě tance zbaveného schopnosti reprezentovat a vyjadřovat emocionální obsahy můžeme hovořit o jednotkách tance, o jejich významu a jednotě, tedy o jazyku tance. Tuto myšlenku Gil upřesňuje pomocí paralely mezi tancem v Cunninghamově pojetí a moderním malířstvím.
The aim of the present text is to consider 18th century language genealogies, as proposed by Rousseau and Condillac, in relation to the question of gesture and affectivity. For it seems that a certain form of affect - need in Condillac, passion in Rousseau - comes to play a central role in the speculations concerning the possible origin of human communication whose nature is invariably considered to be gestural as well as vocal. Our aim will be to show that the insights both thinkers present on the subject corresponds, quite remarkably, with certain findings of modern linguistics and psychology. It is, of course, impossible to treat the issue in all its complexity; all that we will attempt to do is concentrate on certain significant passages and pinpoint what we consider to be the most remarkable arguments., Josef Fulka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This study addresses the role of co-speech gestures in the construal of aspectuality. A behavioral experiment was conducted with speakers of Czech to investigate patterns observed in a preceding multimodal corpus-based study focusing on gesture and aspectuality. In particular, the experiment was designed to explore the perceived association between the emphasized ending of a hand movement (or absence thereof) and the grammatical aspect (and the lexical-semantic properties) of the predicate accompanied by the gesture. Combining various approaches in its design (motion capture, lexical ratings, corpus data), the experiment revealed a strong association between the perfective aspect and end-marking in gestures, while the link between the imperfective and gestures without a marked ending was weaker. The results of the experiment are in line with tendencies observed for other languages, indicating that the gestural marking of boundary is prominent in multimodal construals of events. Besides, specific multimodal patterns (combinations of finer-grained lexical-semantic features and formal parameters of gestures) also occur, as reflected in the data. This study provides the first experimental data on the perception of multimodal expressions in Czech.