The paper contains a sensitivity analysis of the influence of uncertainties in input hydrological, morphological and operating data required for a proposal for active reservoir conservation storage capacity and its achieved values. By introducing uncertainties into the considered inputs of the water management analysis of a reservoir, the subsequent analysed reservoir storage capacity is also affected with uncertainties. The values of water outflows from the reservoir and the hydrological reliabilities are affected with uncertainties as well. A simulation model of reservoir behaviour has been compiled with this kind of calculation as stated below. The model allows evaluation of the solution results, taking uncertainties into consideration, in contributing to a reduction in the occurrence of failure or lack of water during reservoir operation in low-water and dry periods.
Accurate estimates of infiltration and groundwater recharge are critical for many hydrologic, agricultural and environmental applications. Anticipated climate change in many regions of the world, especially in tropical areas, is expected to increase the frequency of high-intensity, short-duration precipitation events, which in turn will affect the groundwater recharge rate. Estimates of recharge are often obtained using monthly or even annually averaged meteorological time series data. In this study we employed the HYDRUS-1D software package to assess the sensitivity of groundwater recharge calculations to using meteorological time series of different temporal resolutions (i.e., hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly averaged precipitation and potential evaporation rates). Calculations were applied to three sites in Brazil having different climatological conditions: a tropical savanna (the Cerrado), a humid subtropical area (the temperate southern part of Brazil), and a very wet tropical area (Amazonia). To simplify our current analysis, we did not consider any land use effects by ignoring root water uptake. Temporal averaging of meteorological data was found to lead to significant bias in predictions of groundwater recharge, with much greater estimated recharge rates in case of very uneven temporal rainfall distributions during the year involving distinct wet and dry seasons. For example, at the Cerrado site, using daily averaged data produced recharge rates of up to 9 times greater than using yearly averaged data. In all cases, an increase in the time of averaging of meteorological data led to lower estimates of groundwater recharge, especially at sites having coarse-textured soils. Our results show that temporal averaging limits the ability of simulations to predict deep penetration of moisture in response to precipitation, so that water remains in the upper part of the vadose zone subject to upward flow and evaporation.
The interception was recognized as an important part of the catchment water balance in temperate climate. The mountainous forest ecosystem at experimental headwater catchment Liz has been subject of long-term monitoring. Unique dataset in terms of time resolution serves to determine canopy storage capacity and free throughfall. Spatial variability of throughfall was studied using one weighing and five tipping bucket rain gauges. The basic characteristics of forest affecting interception process were determined for the Norway spruce stand at the experimental area - the leaf area index was 5.66 - 6.00 m2 m-2, the basal area was 55.7 m2 ha-1, and the crown closure above individual rain gauges was between 19 and 95%. The total interception loss in both growing seasons analyzed was 34.5%. The mean value of the interception capacity determined was about 2 mm. Throughfall exhibited high variability from place to place and it was strongly affected by character of rainfall. On the other hand, spatial pattern of throughfall in average showed low variability.
Water resources are usually treated as potential resources, directly exploitable by human population on the Earth. Among them, surface water and groundwater can be effectively managed for operational use. Soil water which belongs to the class of subsurface water represents the major volume of terrestrial water resources. The concept of soil water resources as a water source for biosphere was introduced recently by Budagovsky (1985) and is related to the fact, that the soil water is the most important factor of the existence and development of terrestrial vegetation. As a measure of soil water resources, Budagovsky proposed the evapotranspiration rate from the land surface during the frostless period representing the sum of water evaporation by soil and transpiration from stomata of the leaves of terrestrial plants. The primary importance of soil water is in its role as a source of water for biosphere, for the first stage of trophic chain on the Earth. In this review, the role of soil water in biotic and abiotic cycle on the Earth is discussed. Possible directions of the future study of soil water resources in relation to the environment are proposed. and Za zdroje vody na Zemi sa považujú spravidla tie potenciálne zdroje, ktoré môžu byť využité ľudstvom priamo. Priamo môžu byť využité povrchové a podzemné vody. Najväčší objem vody súše na Zemi je reprezentovaný vodami podpovrchovými. Budagovskij (1985) navrhol koncepciu pôdnych vôd ako zdroja vody pre biosféru; táto koncepcia je založená na skutočnosti, že pôdne vody sú najvýznamnejším zdrojom vody pre suchozemskú vegetáciu. Ako mieru zdrojov pôdnej vody Budagovskij navrhol evapotranspiráciu z pevniny počas bezmrazového obdobia, ako súčet výparu z pôdy a transpirácie cez prieduchy suchozemských rastlín. Najvýznamnejšou úlohou vody v pôde je to, že je zdrojom vody pre biosféru, pre prvú časť trofického reťazca na Zemi. Táto práca pojednáva o úlohe vody v pôde v biotickom a abiotickom cykle na Zemi. Sú naznačené tiež možné smery výskumu zdrojov vody v pôde v kontexte k biosfére.
Basic information about the evapotranspiration and its components is presented. System of equations describing the transport of water and energy in the soil - plant continuum is analyzed. The system of five differential equations with five unknowns is proposed, describing transport of heat and water vapour within the plant canopy, including exchange processes among the leaves and the atmosphere, vertical transport of the heat, water vapour and the energy balance. and Príspevok obsahuje základné informácie o evapotranspirácii a jej zložkách, výpare a transpirácii. Proces prenosu vody a energie v systéme pôda - porast je opísaný systémom piatich diferenciálnych rovníc kvantifikujúcich prenos vodnej pary a tepla medzi listami a atmosférou, ktoré umožnujú výpočet charakteristík vertikálneho prenosu vody a tepla v poraste a tiež bilanciu energie v tomto systéme.
Evaporation of water from the soil is described and quantified. Formation of the soil dry surface layer is quantitatively described, as a process resulting from the difference between the evaporation and upward soil water flux to the soil evaporating level. The results of evaporation analysis are generalized even for the case of water evaporation from the soil under canopy and interaction between evaporation rate and canopy transpiration is accounted for. Relationships describing evapotranspiration increase due to evaporation of the water intercepted by canopy are presented. Indirect methods of evapotranspiration estimation are discussed, based on the measured temperature profiles and of the air humidity, as well as of the net radiation and the soil heat fluxes. and Príspevok obsahuje kvantitatívny opis výparu vody z pôdy a bilanciu energie počas vyparovania, charakterizovanú rovnicou obsahujúcou turbulentný tok tepla a skupenské teplo vyparovania. Je opísaný proces tvorby suchej vrstvy na povrchu pôdy počas výparu; jeho tvorba závisí od rozdielu medzi rýchlosťou výparu a prítokom vody k horizontu výparu zo spodnej vrstvy pôdy.Výsledky analýzy možno použiť aj na kvantifikáciu výparu z pôdy pod porastom. Uvádzajú sa vzťahy na výpočet zvýšenia rýchlosti evapotranspirácie, spôsobenej intercepciou. Práca obsahuje analýzu nepriamych metód výpočtu evapotranspirácie, ktoré sú založené na meraní profilov teploty a vlhkosti vzduchu nad vyparujúcim povrchom, ako aj radiačnej bilancie a tokov tepla v pôde.