The article introduces a contemporary and highly controversial Indian politician, Narendra Modi, who appears to have had a tremendous impact on the political culture of India. It provides a brief account of his life, identifies the greatest achievements of his governance in the Indian state of Gujarat, and thereafter, references the most sensitive issues conncted with his existing political mission, as well as his personality traits. Since the article is written some months ahead of the upcoming elections to the Lok Sabha, the Indian parliament, Modi is presented here as a front runner for the post of prime minister., Zdeněk Štipl., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article focuses on Qatar and its public diplomacy. Qatar, the oil-rich monarchy located in the Persian Gulf, uses the staging of famous sporting events as a very important diplomatic tool. The awarding of the football World Cup 2022 is one of the biggest success stories of Qatari public diplomacy. Nevertheless, this event is only one of many similar activities, which, along with other public diplomacy tools, is aimed at improving Qatar´s image in the region and also within the international community. If Qatar is successful in hosting the football World Cup, which is one of the most popular sporting events in the world, it will gain the prestige it craves in the international arena. and Jiří Zákravský.
Autor podle recenzenta zpracoval precizní, faktograficky bohatou a čtivou analýzu politických a diplomatických vztahů mezi Československem a Itáliím ve dvacátých letech minulého století, která je časově vymezena nástupem Mussoliniho fašistů k moci a ukončením smluvně založené spolupráce obou zemí. Tím se mu víceméně podařilo vyplnit jedno „bílé místo“ na mapě mezinárodních vztahů první Československé republiky. Recenzent mimo jiné oceňuje široké využití italských archivních pramenů a kritické hodnocení činů ministra zahraničí Edvarda Beneše, na druhé straně postrádá zachycení hospodářských vztahů mezi Prahou a Římem., Ondřej Houska, the author of the work under review (whose title translates as Prague against Rome: Czechoslovak-Italian Relations, 1922–29), has, according to the reviewer, created a readable work, based on the careful analysis of a great deal of information, about Czechoslovak-Italian political and diplomatic relations in the 1920s, from the coming to power of Mussolini and his Fascists to the breakdown of treaty-based cooperation between the two countries. In this way, he has largely succeeded in filling a gap in our knowledge of the international relations of the first Czechoslovak Republic. The reviewer praises, among other things, Houska’s use of a broad range of Italian archive records and his critical assessment of the actions of the Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edvard Beneš (1884–1948). He argues, however, that the author has neglected economic relations between Prague and Rome., and [autor recenze] Miroslav Šepták.