During hydrological research in a Chilean swamp forest, we noted a pattern of higher streamflows close to midday and lower ones close to midnight, the opposite of an evapotranspiration (Et)-driven cycle. We analyzed this diurnal streamflow signal (DSS), which appeared mid-spring (in the growing season). The end of this DSS coincided with a sustained rain event in autumn, which deeply affected stream and meteorological variables. A survey along the stream revealed that the DSS maximum and minimum values appeared 6 and 4 hours earlier, respectively, at headwaters located in the mountain forests/ plantations than at the control point in the swamp forest. Et in the swamp forest was higher in the morning and in the late afternoon, but this process could not influence the groundwater stage. Trees in the mountain headwaters reached their maximum Ets in the early morning and/or close to midday. Our results suggest that the DSS is a wave that moves from forests high in the mountains towards lowland areas, where Et is decoupled from the DSS. This signal delay seems to convert the link between streamflow and Et in an apparent, but spurious positive relationship. It also highlights the role of landscape heterogeneity in shaping hydrological processes.
Diurnal variations in streamflow (DVS) have been studied in detail by underwater pressure loggers. Some of this equipment requires barometric compensation with a logger or sensor located outside the water. Studies related to this topic have not offered a critical report of the validity of patterns inferred with these instruments. While studying a forested watershed in Southern Chile (40° S), we detected a DVS when the external logger was placed 1.5 m above ground, under a marked diurnal fluctuation in air temperature (amplitude 12.4 °C) and a dampened fluctuation in stream temperature (amplitude 1.4 °C). Synchronization was apparent between air and stream temperature in a direct relationship, but the synchronization between air/stream temperature and streamflow was negative, with some hours of lag time. In laboratory experiments, when the external logger is considerably warmer than the water-level logger, depth measurements can be underestimated by up to 1.5 cm. When the opposite occurs, water depths can be overestimated by up to 0.9 cm and are large instrumental/methodological artifacts compared to the field water diurnal variation of 1.3 cm. Finally, we relocated the external logger in front of the water-level logger and inside a weir, but exposed to the air. Results confirmed the pattern previously detected in the field, but streamflow fluctuations were 19% less accentuated. We conclude that the incorrect placement of the external logger, along with an instrumental artifact, can intensify a DVS pattern. and Počas dňa sme podrobne sledovali zmeny prietokov v tokoch tlakovými snímačmi, umiestnenými pod vodou. Niektoré z týchto zariadení vyžadujú barometrickú kompenzáciu snímačov, ktoré nie sú umiestnené vo vode. Štúdie z tejto oblasti obyčajne nehodnotia kriticky správnosť výsledkov meraní týmito zariadeniami. Počas meraní v zalesnenom povodí na juhu Chile (40° S), sme zistili zmeny prietokov v tokoch počas dňa, ak bol externý tlakový snímač (logger) uložený 1,5 m nad zemou, počas výrazných denných zmien teploty vzduchu (amplitúda 12.4 °C) a stlmené fluktuácie teploty vody v toku (amplitúda 1.4 °C). Synchronizácia medzi teplotami vody a vzduchu bola zrejmá, ale synchronizácia medzi teplotami vody v toku a prietokmi bola negatívna, s hodinovými posunmi voči sebe. V experimentoch v laboratóriu, keď bol externý snímač podstatne teplejší ako snímač vo vode, meranie hĺbok bolo podhodnotené až o 1,5 cm. V opačnom prípade, hĺbka hladiny vody bola nadhodnotená až o 0,9 cm a boli zistené významné inštrumentálne/metodologické artefakty v porovnaní s poľnými meraniami až o 1,3 cm. Nakoniec, externý snímač bol umiestnený pred snímač s údajmi o vodnej hladine a dovnútra prepadu, ale bol vo vzduchu. Výsledky meraní potvrdili chody prietokov namerané v teréne, ale fluktuácie prietokov boli nižšie o 19 %. Z toho vyplýva, že nesprávne umiestnenie externého snímača, spolu s prístrojovými artefaktmi, môžu intenzifikovať zmeny prietokov v tokoch počas dňa.