Center for Folk Art Production was established in 1945 as an organization intended to support the folk manufacturers, small craftsmen and small workshops. After the various reorganizations, which had been enforced by the social changes, the Center became an organization that covered this small manufacturing. Besides the production base, the Center for Folk Art Production had still two service sections - a network of its own shops and a development section. Ethnographers and trained artists worked in this department, and cooperated in formulation of the production program for the small manufacturers and workshops. The non-professional manufacturers perfectly mastered the production technique and smoothly manufactured traditional products for people around them. However, as soon as they had to sell their products in a different environment, the manufacturers did not know how to use their skills.he trained artists, who knew the trends in their branch, developed for the small producers new product designs. However, they needed further knowledge for this activity, so the ethnographers prepared for them documentation files of the study materials - photos from the terrain and the museums, motif and shape overviews. They served as an inspiration resource for the artists so they could develop new patterns. Those patterns were to have modern utilization, but in the same time they should have had a certain relationship to the traditions as well as some peculiarity and originality - all this expressed by the shape, technique, color or material. During the almost fifty-year existence of the Center for Folk Art Production elaborate theoretical and methodical procedures for taking up the old traditions were worked out. the practical results of those procedures were appreciated by experts of that time.
Článek na základě kvantitativní a kvalitativní analýz y odpovědí 9810 rodičů zkoumá vnímání vzdělávání v domácím prostředí z pohledu rodičů v době uzavřených základních škol z důvodu pandemie COVID-19. Cílem empirického šetření bylo odpovědět na otázky, jaké bariéry ve vzdělávání doma v době uzavřených základních škol rodiče identifikují, jaká řešení by uvítali, ale také jaký je vztah mezi rodinou a školou v situaci vzdělávání doma. Analyzovaná data pocházejí z výzkumu Vzdělávání doma, který byl uskutečněn v dubnu 2020 za podpory České televize. Výsledky výzkumu ukazují, že existuje zásadní rozdíl mezi rodiči prvostupňových a druhostupňových žáků, kteří jednak vnímají odlišné bariéry a jednak jmenují jiná řešení nastalé situace. Význam výsledků tkví v tom, že nejenom upozorňují na bariéry ve spolupráci mezi rodinou a školou, ale naznačují i možná řešení problémů, které přinesla neočekávaná situace. and Based on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the responses of 9,810 parents, this paper examines the perceptions of home education during the COVID-19 lockdown from the parents' point of view. The aim of the empirical survey was to answer questions about what barriers parents identify to home education from shutdown primary schools, what solutions they would welcome, and what the relationship between family and school during the situation of education at home is. The analyzed data come from a survey called Home Education that was conducted in April 2020 with the support of Czech Television. The results of the survey show that there was a fundamental difference between parents of primary and secondary students as they perceived different barriers and also named different solutions to the situation. The significance of the results lies in the fact that they not only point out the barriers to cooperation between the family and the school but also sug gest possible solutions to the problems brought about by unexpected situations.
V loňském říjnovém čísle Akademického bulletinu jsme podrobněji představili tzv. PPP Program, v jehož rámci Německá akademická výměnná služba (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst - DAAD) financuje mobilitní projekty s partnerskými organizacemi z necelé třicítky zemí. Spolupráci AV ČR s DAAD jsme shrnuli za 10 dvouletých období, jež byla realizována od spuštění programu před deseti lety (2004-2005 až 2013-2014). Další část článku představila vybrané projekty z I. vědní oblasti (ASÚ). and Jana Vlachová ... [et al.].