The article deals with the decision of the Grand Chamber of the ECHR in the case Hämäläinen vs Finland. The decision itself is subject of critical analysis. It is also examined the impact of the decision on the possible development of Czech legislation “de lege ferenda”. As crucial concepts are also analyzed key terms of gender identity, gender aut onomy and the right to sexual self - determination and equal access to rights. In that decision deals the ECtHR with the issue whether an applicant ́s right to private and family life had been violated when the full recognition of her new gender was made cond itional on the transformation of her marriage into a registered partnership., JUDr. Adam Doležal, LL.M., and Literatura
V souvislosti s ochranou lidských práv zaručených Úmluvou o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod se v poslední době čím dál častěji diskutuje otázka, zda přístup k asistované reprodukci také spadá pod rámec ochrany poskytovaný Úmluvou. Příspěvek přináší přehled rozhodnutí Evropského soudu pro lidská práva, která se problematikou asistované reprodukce zabývaly. Na pozadí těchto rozhodnutí se příspěvek snaží analyzovat hranice rozšiřujícího pojetí práva na respektování rodinného a soukromého života podle čl. 8 Úmluvy a poukázat na skutečnost, že v oblasti řešení složitých biomedicínckých a bioetických otázek nemá Soud dostatečnou autoritu na to, aby se stal finálním arbitrem při posuzování hodnotových měřítek společnosti v jednotlivých evropských státech., In the last few decades decided European Court of Human Rights very problematic cases involving “right to access to assisted reproduction”. These cases are concerning very controversial ethical aspects of biomedical developments in the field of medical techniques of artificial procreation and reshape the content (meaning) of Article 8 of European Convention of Human Rights. This paper provides short overview of cases of European Court of Human Rights involving “right to access to assisted reproduction” and focuses especially on the latest developments in this field (case S.H. and Others v. Austria - Application no 57813/00) . Although the technology of medically assisted procreation had been available in Europe for several decades, many of the issues to which it gave rise, remained the subject of debate. There is no consensus towards the use of IVF treatment in general and even less clear are trends in some particular questions (f.e. allowing gamete donation). These unsolved problems give to raise serious doubts about the possibility of the Court provide “final decisions” in these matters., Tomáš Doležal, and Literatura 10
In the department of coloproctology of NORC MH RUz 17 patients with disseminated forms of colorectal cancer was made the study of oncogenes and complex treatment by 2 protocols using FOLFOX4 regime and FOLFIRI regime. In second protocol there used 2 sessions of endolymphatical polychemotherapy FOLFOX4 regime against EHFhyperthermia. All patients were performed additional investigations directed to study the presence of multiple drug resistance in them where definition of р53, bcl2 oncogene expression. In our observations we followed resistance to FOLFOX4 scheme in 4 patients, and to FOLFIRI scheme in 2 cases. In our studies hyperexpression of oncoproteine р53 was correlated with the effect of conducted therapy whereas hyperexpr, Navruzov S. N., Abdujapparov S. B., Pulatov D. A., Islamov H. D., Matniyazova Sh. Ya., Akbarov E. T., and Literatura
To study defects and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, we retrospectively analyzed results of comprehensive dynamic survey of 26,404 pregnant women aged 1850 years old at 6 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Of them, 25,956 (98.3%) women had physiological course of pregnancy, 448 (1.7%) women had abnormal pregnancy. For the diagnosis of fetal defects, we carried out ultrasound, biochemical, invasive and cytogenetic studies. The results of study showed that the majority of fetal defects and pathological course of pregnancy was noted in women at the age of 2125 years old, since at this age period women have the highest number of pregnancies. At the older age, we noted a gradual decrease in the number of pregnant women, as well as the number of abnormalities of the fetus. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, we have developed an algorithm for early fetal ultrasound examination. In order to exclude nondeveloping pregnancy and intrauterine fetal death, as well as for early diagnosis of fetal defects, we recommend screening women in the first trimester of pregnancy., Shahnoza Kamalidinova, and Literatura
Introduction Cutaneous malignant melanoma prevalence, incidence and mortality rates are increasing in white populations worldwide more rapidly than any other cancer site (American Cancer Society, 2006). Despite the potential importance of regular skin selfexamination and promotion of selfprotection practices, little is known about the prevalence of these practices in medical students in Albanian population. Methods This is a descriptive, quantitative crosssectional study. In this study were included a sample of 150 individuals chosen among the students of Faculty of Medicine based on their family history for skin cancer. This study was started on October the 3rd and finished on November the 12th. Subjects had to fill in a structured, selfadministered questionnaire. All participants lived within Republic of Albania but at the time of the study were students in University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine. Results In this study that we conducted we included 150 individuals supposed to have a risk for skin cancer based on their family history. 200 individuals were approached for participation. Of these, 150 individuals returned questionnaire data, yielding a response rate of 75% among eligible, successfully contacted participants. The mean age of the sample was 20.05 years (Std. Dev. = 0.925), with males (22%) and females (78%) represented unequally, because the gender configuration of the faculty itself has gender disparities with more than 80% females and only 20% male students. The majority of the sample was born in city or town (85.3%), 14.7% was born in a village. In terms of income level, 79.3% of participants had a medium income family background, 15.3% high income and 5.3% had a low income level family background. Conclusion It is important for those individuals with family history for skin cancer (which inherently indicates risk for skin cancer) to develop selfexamination and SSE behaviours and practices in order to have a protection and at least an early detection (if onset) of the different forms of Melanoma. The results of this study provide some guide as to the key areas or 'hot spots' on which to focus attention when designing supportive care interventions for melanoma survivors and those at high risk of skin cancer., Yllka Bilushi, Rozeta Luci, Loreta Kuneshka, Numila Maliqari, and Literatura
Cílem práce je identifikace příčin rozdílů v tvorbě a realizaci českých veřejných a sociálních politik, zaměřených na problém bezdomovectví v porovnání s přístupy v USA, Austrálii a vybraných zemích EU, včetně samotné EU. Jsou použity metody srovnávací analýzy politických agend, dokumentů a dosahovaných výsledků v kombinaci s kritickou diskurzivní analýzou. Mezi hlavními příčinami dlouhodobě rozdílného přístupu ČR k bezdomovectví figurují izolace aktivit státu od nezávislého výzkumu, chybějící zákon o bezdomovcích, jednostranná tržní orientace transformace společnosti v neoliberálním kontextu a rozpory s lidskými právy. Ke koncepční změně orientace české veřejné a sociální politiky na výzkum příčin bezdomovectví a na cíle integrace bezdomovců a prevence bezdomovectví dochází až v roce 2013 v rámci přímého vlivu strategie Evropa 2020. V porovnání se srovnávanými zeměmi však jde v ČR o časový posun o 20 let. Do této doby byla věnována v ČR pozornost pouze poskytování sociálních a zdravotních služeb bezdomovcům, přičemž v důsledku sociálních a ekonomických změn dochází ke kontinuálnímu zhoršování strukturálních faktorů chudoby a sociálního vyloučení včetně bezdomovectví., The aim of this work is to identify the causes of existing differences in the development and implementation of Czech public and social policy, focusing on the problem of homelessness in comparison with the approaches in the USA, Australia and selected EU countries, including the EU itself. There are used the methods of comparative analysis of political agendas, documents and achieved results of evaluated policies in combination with critical discourse analysis. Among the main causes of long-term differentiation of the Czech Republic to homelessness figures isolation of state activities from independent research, lack of strategy research and formulation of priorities.The conceptual reorientation of Czech public and social policy research on the causes of homelessness and the objective of integrating the homeless and preventing homelessness was formulated in 2013 under the direct influence of Europe 2020., Veronika Košťálová, Petr Háva, and Literatura