The paper focuses on the intergenerational and intragenerational transmission of religion in the Czech Republic. The authors start from the general statement that self-reported religious a liation in Czech society continued to decline during the second half of the 20th century. This trend has usually been explained by secularization theory and by speci cs of Czech social history, especially with regard to the anti-religious policies of the Communist regime. In their analysis of data from ISSP 2008 – Religion, the authors aim at a more detailed inquiry into the factors responsible for the decrease in self-reported religiosity in the Czech Republic. The results show that the key factor lies in de-conversion, which is not compensated su ciently by conversion in either type of transmission, inter- or intragenerational., Antonín Paleček, Roman Vido., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The following text outlines some aspects of people‘s decision making process during elections in modern mass democracies. Particularly, the aspect of (in)competence of electorate or, as the case may be, the problem of rationality of the political audiance that creates the public opinion. The arguments proving the discrepancy between the normativ and the empiric character of public opinion are purposly disbalanced based on the evaluation of reality. This, however, does not in any way influence the evaluation of adequacy of the democratic normativ., Není sporu o tom, že etablování všeobecného volebního práva v mnoha směrech proměnilo základní politický půdorys veřejného prostoru liberálních (ústavně pluralitních) demokracií. V tomto textu se pokusím načrtnout některé aspekty volebního rozhodování v moderních masových demokraciích, zejména pak téma (ne)kompetence voličů respektive problém racionality politického publika neboli veřejného mínění. Je třeba předeslat, že argumentace je vědomě poněkud jednostranně vystavěna na základě kritické evaluace reálného stavu a fakticky se nijak nedotýká hodnocení adekvátnosti demokratického normativu., Daniel Kunštát., and Seznam literatury
Since about 2004, the boom in the production of original Czech television series has been accompanied by the slow but steady increase in the appearance of non-heterosexual characters on TV. This analysis focuses on gay characters: what they are like, why and how they appear and disappear, how their non-heterosexuality is established and how it develops in the narrative of the series. A notable change can be observed in how gay male characters are being depicted: from depictions of mostly miserable characters whose coming out is their only dramatic potential in the narrative, to more complex portraits of characters who are incorporated into the story, experiencing love, partnerships and even parenthood - elements otherwise normal in series narratives. Alongside this more descriptive type of analysis, the author draws on Connell and Messerschmidt’s concept of hegemonic masculinity to draw attention to representations of practices that produce the masculinity of non-heterosexual (male) characters as subordinate , as complicit, and, in the case of recent characters, even as hegemonic. The representation of non-heterosexual characters as hegemonically masculine seems to be a form of ‘narrative redemption’ through homonormativity., Zdeněk Sloboda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article pursues how the concept of „social cohesion“ is understood by the Czech public. Firstly, the respondents predominantly do not know the concept; in addition spontaneous answers to the open-ended questions show that different meanings are associated with this concept. The second part analyses the battery of statements “what creates a cohesive society”. Three latent dimensions were identified: values of reciprocity and equality, collective identity and European liberalism. We can consider them general value orientations to arrangement of social relations. Only the first dimension is very weakly linked with the position in society. Correlations with political orientations and preferences, albeit weak, corroborate two-dimensionality of political values of the Czech population. In general, we can find two basic meaning spheres in public opinion, how should be achieved a cohesive society: consensus (a unity of values, common goals) and ”functional interpersonal relations” (social justice, solidarity, mutual assistance, decency and confidence)., V tomto článku sledujeme, jak česká veřejnost chápe pojem „společenská soudržnost“, zda se k němu vážou odlišné sémantické dimenze a jaké hodnotové orientace stojí za představami o utváření soudržné společnosti. Pojem sociální soudržnost se objevuje ve veřejném diskursu teprve v posledních několika letech a to především v souvislosti s politikou Evropské unie a vládním programem. Dá se říci, že se vyskytuje především v rámci odborné debaty, do běžného jazyka v odpovídajícím významu jako redukce nerovností, především regionálních, a vytváření společných evropských institucí rozhodně neproniká (podrobněji k prakticko-politickému konceptu koheze viz [Šafr, Sedláčková 2006]). Nicméně, samotný pojem „soudržnost“ ve vztahu k druhým lidem a jako charakteristika sociálních pout je čas od času v běžném diskursu používán, a to ve smyslu pospolitosti ať už národní nebo ve vztahu ke sportu jako týmová jednota. V běžném jazyce tak používáme pojmu soudržnost obyčejně ve významu pojmu solidarita, tedy jako „soudržnost, pospolitost; vzájemnou podporu, svornost, pocit sounáležitosti, ochotu k vzájemné pomoci a podpoře“ [Linhart et al. 2003: 345]., Jiří Šafr., and Seznam literatury
The article describes a sociological problem linked to decision-making about the locality in which a deep geolo- gical repository of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste is to be built in the Czech Republic. The introduction explains the social situation of negotiations about the repository and identi es concerned stakeholders. The article then outlines the legal framework of the negotiations and summarizes their progress up to the present day. The rest of the article analyses data from two public opinion surveys. The rst one surveyed the attitudes of citizens in selected localities toward the pro- ject of the deep geological repository. The second survey investigated the attitudes of the Czech public toward radioactive waste and the deep geological repository., Martin Ďurďovič, Zdenka Vajdová, Kateřina Bernardyová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The paper analyses the fact that the Czech communist party (KSČM) can rely on substantial and stable (occasi- onally even rising) electoral support. The phenomenon has been discussed extensively in academic as well as social and political discourses. On the basis of available empirical data, sociological analyses and statistical information, the paper categorizes some basic socio-political conditions and predispositions which may help explain the fact that the political party once considered to be the anti-system heir of the non-democratic regime is now one of the most stable elements of Czech politics., Daniel Kunštát., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Úvodní stať Jaromíra Černého je věnována otázkám ve výzkumu osobnosti hudebního skladatele Petra Wilhelmi de Grudencz a jeho děl. Příspěvek je věnován památce autora., Jaromír Černý., Rubrika: [neuvedeno], and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
The aim of the paper is to present and analyse the current state of perpetrator programmes in Eastern European and Baltic countries as this issue has barely been raised in the literature. It is connected to the fact that in described region such programmes are still relatively new phenomena and, compared to other European Union countries (mostly in Western and Northern Europe), the number of the programmes is still insufficient. Moreover, the number and character of the perpetrator programmes in Eastern European and Baltic countries is to a large extent determined by traditional gender relations, glorification of the traditional family and specific definitions of masculinities and femininities, as well as by the nature of the anti-violence legislation that exists in particular countries. The presented findings result from research on the specificity of work with perpetrators of domestic violence in the region. The analysis is based on the cases of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. It is to a large extent the result of research conducted within the Daphne III project IMPACT: Evaluation of European Perpetrator Programmes (2013-2014) and of analysis of national reports delivered by country experts for a project conducted by the Work with Perpetrators - European Network in 2013., Katarzyna Wojnicka., and Obsahuje bibliografii