Today university rankings and performance rankings (ot en based on JIFs, h-indexes) are believed to be indispensable to assure scientii c “quality”. Most of these performance rankings employ citation data provided by h omson Reuters. TR’s current inl uence on funding decisions, individual careers, institutions, disciplines and countries is immense and ambivalent. h ere is increasing resistance against “impactitis” and “evaluitis”. Usually overseen: Trivial errors in TR’s citation indexes (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) produce severe non-trivial ef ects: h eir victims are authors, institutions, journals with names beyond the ASCIIcode and scholars of humanities and social sciences. Based on the Joshua Lederberg Papers I claim: To overcome severe resistance Eugene Gari eld and Joshua Lederberg had to foster overoptimistic attitudes and to downplay the severe problems connected to global and multidisciplinary citation indexing. h e dii culties to handle dif erent formats of references and footnotes, non- Anglo-American names, and of publications in non-English languages were known to the pioneers of citation indexing., Dnešní žebříčky univerzit a výkonnosti (často založené na JIF a h-indexech) jsou považovány za nepostradatelné pro zajištění vědecké „kvality“. Většina z těchto žebříčku produktivity využívá citační údaje poskytnuté h omson Reuters. Současný vliv TR na rozhodování o i nancování, na individuální kariéry, instituce, obory a země je ohromný a ambivalentní. Odpor vuči „impaktitidě“ a „evaluatitidě“ se zvyšuje. Obvykle je přehlížena skutečnost, že triviální chyby v citačních indexech TR (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) mají závažné, netriviální následky: jejich obětmi jsou autoři, instituce, časopisy vymykající se ASCII-kódu a akademici v humanitních a sociálních vědách. Na základě rozboru Joshua Lederberg Papers tvrdím, že aby překonali tvrdý odpor, Eugene Gari eld a Joshua Lederberg museli protěžovat přehnaně optimistické postoje a zlehčovat vážné problémy spojené s globálními a multidisciplinárními citačními indexy. Obtíže plynoucí z ruzných formátu odkazu a poznámek, jiných než anglo-amerických jmen a publikací v jiných jazycích než v angličtině byly známy již prukopníkum citačních indexu., and Terje Tüür-Fröhlich.
Počátkem ledna 2016 se pooteřely dveře Nobelova archivu ve Stockholmu. Byly odtajněny materiály v české literatuře nepublikované, totiž návrhy na Nobelovy ceny za fyziku a za chemii z let 1955-65. Nobelovy ceny za fyziku udělené v tomto období měly dalekosáhlý význam pro tento vědní obor., Jiří Jindra., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
During the last couple of decades, paid childcare has become one of the central issues of feminist research. Agencies mediating childcare are a relatively new actor in childcare arrangements in the Czech Republic. This article argues that these agencies do not fill a gap in the market by offering childcare. Far from providing simple supply that reacts to a market demand, the agencies create the demand for specific care. Drawing upon qualitative research conducted with owners of these agencies, the text looks into the ways in which childcare is constructed. The issues of qualified, specialized, and professionalized care are discussed. The article aims to show that childcare in the agencies is deconstructed as a natural female activity and is reconstructed as a gendered activity requiring particular skills that are subjected to professional screening., Adéla Souralová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the years 2004 and 2005 a survey was conducted that focused on recording of authentic testimonies about the everyday lives of women in the country predominantly in the second half of the 20th century. Correspondents of the Czech Ethnographical Society, students and female seniors from different parts of the Czech Republic took part in the survey. this report reveals the results including characteristic quotations. The information was obtained from different localities on an uneven basis. There is a compact set of records from four villages in eastern Moravia and four authentic testimonies from Těšín region in the foothills of Beskydy Mountains. The information was either handwritten by the respondents, or their narration was recorded by the Czech Ethnographical Society correspondents, students of Silesian University or by a local chronicler. The outline of the research was available to everyone. We were above all interested in the changes which rural families had to go through in the second half of the 20th century due to collectivization of land and changes in social and economic conditions.
Bedřich Machulka was born on June 22, 1875. Since his youth he had been interested in Africa. However, only after meeting Richard Štorch he was able to realize his dreams. Together they parted for Africa. They settled in Tripolis in Libya and dedicated themselves in hunting and stuffing animals. Afterwards they moved to Sudan where they established a base for hunting expeditions. In the year 1927 Štorch died. Machulka moved his interest to eastern Africa. Since 1929 he had established a partnership with Duke Adolf Schwarzenberg (1890–1950). At the beginning their collaboration went on without problems. However, after Machulka failed to organize film recording in Kenya, the Duke did not entrust him anymore with organizing of other expeditions. This period of life of Machulka, until the year 1935, is well illustrated by letters that he exchanged with the Duke through the Schwarzenberg Office. Schwarzenberg valued Machulka highly for his professional and organizational qualities. Therefore, in spite of the mutual disagreements he found him a place of preserver and curator of small museum of ethnographic artifacts and trophies in the castle Ohrada (on the manor of Hluboká). There Machulka had worked throughout the Second World War until the year 1947, when all the properties of the Schwarzenbergs on the territory of Czechoslovakia were nationalized. Machulka finished his life in Prague in humble conditions. He died on March 6, 1954.