In a review of the book " Medical law and ethics " by Jonathan Herring, I made it my goal to familiarize the reader with the issues of medical law and ethics, which author discuss in his work . The book should be a valuable source of knowledge for both, experts and laymen, because the author dealt with many topics from different angles, that raise a number of legal and ethical issues (the issue of euthanasia , research on humans , cloning , sterilization , etc. .). I focus on these topics in eleven chapters of my review and I also add my comment , as well as comments of other authors and case law. and Mgr. Pavel Doubek
Příspěvek pojednává o kontraktační povinnosti (smluvním přímusu) poskytovatelů zdravotních služeb na základě zákona o zdravotních službách. Autor poukazuje na to, že ačkoliv v některých situacích zde tento smluvní přímus skutečně existuje, jsou zákonem upraveny i výjimky. Na základě platné právní úpravy je pak podán přehled těchto situací., Health Services Act introduced for healthcare providers the obligation to contract health care to all patients who are interested. There are some exceptions of this obligation. One group of exceptions is the definition of certain types of health services, in which case the patient does not have the right to choose providers of health services. Another group of exceptions states the reasons for which a provider of health services does not have to enter into a contract with a patient. The third group of exceptions then states the reasons for which a provider of health services is entitled to cancel a contract with a patient., Radek Policar, and Literatura 3