This study reports seasonal presence of Coccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Southeast Turkey, in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Samples were collected from crops in agricultural areas at altitudes of 10 m, 800 m and 1400 m from stands of wild herbaceous plants , and at 1750 m from stone debris fields. First C. septempunctata adults were collected at the beginning of June at Tentcamp (800 m) and Tozlu (1400 m), early in July at Sarikiz (1700 m) when the mean air temperature reached 30°C. Adults became active in spring, after aestivating around Sarikiz and overwintering there under snow. First adults emerged on 2nd April in 2009 around Edremit Gulf when mean air temperature reached 14.8°C. Adult and immature stages of C. septempunctata were recorded attacking aphid populations till the end of June. C. septempunctata was present there for only one period each year during which they completed one generation. Adult individuals of this generation returned to Mount Ida to aestivate. Maximum numbers of adults present on Mount Ida in the first week of August in 2009 and 2010 were recorded. C. septempunctata adults aestivate and overwinter at Sarikiz on Mount Ida after completing their development on aphids in April, May and June around Edremit Gulf., Ali Özpinar, Ali Kürşat Şahin, Burak Polat., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Latitude gradients and secular trends in Europe and North America have been found in the male-female ratio at birth (M/F: male births divided by total births) which is expected to be 0.515. Annual national data for Czechoslovakia and the post-Czechoslovakian (Czech Republic and Slovakia) countries for male and female live births were obtained from the World Health Organisation and analysed with contingency tables. This study analysed 13,123,538 live births. An overall decreasing trend in M/F was found (p < 00001). No latitude gradient was noted. There was an overall deficit of 15,232 male births based on an M/F of 0.515. M/F is declining in this region, despite well developing economies that have resisted the worldwide slowdown. An interplay of several poorly understood factors is likely., Victor Grech, and Literatura 19
Výsledkem činnosti projektu Ministerstva zdravotnictví "Kulatý stůl k budoucnosti financování českého zdravotnictví" se stala Zpráva o stavu, vývoji a výhledu zdravotnictví ČR. Článek přináší hypotézy o pokračování projektu a současně si klade otázky, zda se osud tzv. "Mátlovy komise" bude ubírat stejnou cestou jako Bezděkova komise, která měla připravit vládě podklady k provedení důchodové reformy. Autoři dokládají nezbytnost silnějšího propojení zdravotně sociální péče zejména v době probíhajících reforem zdravotních a sociálních. Důraz kladou na demografický vývoj se současným trendem geriatrizace společnosti, ke kterému musí být v uskutečňovaných reformách přihlíženo. Jako příklad současného přirozeného propojení zdravotní a sociální péče vidí činnost posudkového lékaře. Závěrem vyslovují domněnku, že nastává čas sociálních reforem i zdravotních reforem, jejichž úspěšnost závisí na uskutečnění sociálně zdravotních a zdravotně sociálních reforem., The Report on state, development and future prospects of Czech Health System has been a result of Ministry of Health project "Round table about future financing of Czech Health System". The article brings up hypothesis about continuing of the project and in the same time asks whether the destiny of so called Mátl Commission would be the same as of Bezděk Commission that should have provided the Government with the basic facts for carrying out Pension reform.Authors bring evidence for a necessary stronger connection of health social care especially in the time of current social and health reforms. They emphasize the fact of a demographic development where there is a trend of geriatrization of society which must be taken into account when carrying out the reform. An example of a current natural connection is an assessment doctor work. In conclusion they say there is a time of social and health reforms now whose success depends on carrying out social health and health reforms., Libuše Čeledová, Rostislav Čevela, and Lit.: 9