This study examines the case of a prominent Egyptian thinker Qāsim Amīn (1863-1908). Amīn's controversial writings dealing with the issue of women's emancipation resulted in a major scandal and provoked a tumultuous response in Egyptian intellectual circles. This study analyzes Amīn's arguments relating to women's role in society and describes the positive evaluation of his thought by some Egyptian intellectuals as well as harsh criticism he was exposed to immediately after the publication of his works. The second part of the study presents the uncompromising criticism by the Egyptian-American scholar Leila Ahmed (b. 1940), who radically challenged the earlier, entirely positive view of Amīn adopted by the majority of Orientalists. Finally, I present my own assessment of Amīn's case in which I try to avoid both extremes in the evaluation, boundless adoration on the one hand and uncompromising damnation on the other.
Автор настоящей статьи занимаетя проблемой формирования креативной писательницы как особого типа художника и альтернативной транзиции на примере чешской писательницы Ружены Свободовой (1868–1920), относящейся к belle époque в период, когда усиливается процесс женской эмансипации и, одновременно, и значение, даже культ культуры и искусств в целом, которые во время перед Первой мировой войной кульминируют – в отличие от подобного переходного времени в первой трети 21 века. and The author of the present study deals with with the problem of the formation of a creative female writer as a specific type of an artist and the alternative transition on the example of the Czech writer Růžena Svobodová (1868–1920) belonging to the belle époque in the period when the process of women's emancipation and, at the same time, also the significance, even the cult of culture and arts in general which at the time before the First World War culminates – in contrast to the similar transitive time of the first third of the 21st century.