Understanding and modelling the processes of flood runoff generation is still a challenge in catchment hydrology. In particular, there are issues about how best to represent the effects of the antecedent state of saturation of a catchment on runoff formation and flood hydrographs. This paper reports on the experience of mapping saturated areas using measured water table by piezometers and more qualitative assessments of the state of the moisture at soil surface or immediately under it to provide information that can usefully condition model predictions. Vegetation patterns can also provide useful indicators of runoff source areas, but integrated over much longer periods of time. In this way, it might be more likely that models will get the right predictions for the right reasons.
Co víme o květeně Brna? S jakými údaji můžeme pracovat a jaká je metodika sběru floristických údajů? Těmito tématy se zabývá článek shrnující dosavadní poznání květeny města Brna., What do we know about flora in the city of Brno? Which data are available and which methods were used for floristic data sampling? These are the topicscovered in the summary of recent findings on the flora in the city of Brno., and Zdeňka Lososová, Kateřina Šumberová, Lubomír Tichý, Jiří Danihelka, Marie Vymazalová.