Samples of bottom ash and fly ash coming from the combustion of lignite with the addition of limestone, from the cocombustion of lignite and wood residue with limestone and from co-combustion of lignite, wood residue, biological sludges from the waste water treatment plant and municipal waste as well with the addition of limestone were examined. Scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalyser were used for study of morphology and chemical composition of ash particles. The results were compared with average composition of bottom ashes, fly ashes and input materials found by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and with phase composition found by X-ray diffraction method. There were proved no significant differences in the character and the structure of individual samples coming from various regimes of combustion., Vladimír Tomášek, Ondřej Šustai, Jana Seidlerová, Zdeněk Klika, Martin Stach, Zdeněk Weiss and Václav Roubíček., and Obsahuje bibliografii
An occurrence of tetra-coordinated aluminum in altered coal and low temperature coal ashes was investigated. As altered coal a sample from the Lazy mine (Upper Silesian Coal Basin) was tested, further, low-temperature ashes from different coals were prepared and measured. During preparation the selected coal samples were intensively air-oxidized; 27Al MAS NMR spectra of obtained ashes were then acquired and compared against those for initial coals. A reference wood ash and Al standards were used for identification of Al-forms. It was found that chemical shift at 4 ppm with coals corresponds to that for triaquo-hydroxo-diphenoxido-aluminum(III) complex (THDA), further, the shift at 72 ppm with altered coal and resulting ashes agrees with that for Al tetra-coordinated with oxygen. So, in the presence of coal organics the tetra-coordinated Al is formed under low temperature conditions, because during low temperature ashing the THDA complex is transformed to Al tetra-coordinated with oxygen only at 350 °C. A similar process occurred in the case of oxidation of coal substance under low temperature conditions in the nature at temperatures below 150 °C., Pavel Straka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Mixtures of coal/waste tires, coal/waste plastics and coal/waste cotton were pyrolyzed in the laboratory pyrolytical unit built in IRSM AS CR Prague. Non-caking hard coal (mine Lazy) and its mixtures with some organic wastes were pyrolyzed in a quartz reactor inserted in a vertical tube furnace. The main product yields (coke, tar, gas and reaction water) documented exhibit entirely different influence of added waste. Results demonstrated that co-pyrolysis is meaning full in case of waste tiers and plastics. However, in case of co-processing with waste cotton (natural textile), the results are not promising., Vlastimil Kříž and Zuzana Brožová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Chemical Quantitative Phase Analysis (CQPA) suggested originally for magmatic rocks (Klika et al., 1986) now is tested for the quantitative mineral determination of coal. This method is based on the optimization procedure. For the evaluation of mineral contents, 5 coal samples were selected and the following analytical data were determined: a) chemical analyses (XRF, titrimetric and gravimetric analytical methods), b) qualitative mineral composition (the X-ray powder diffraction, SEM-EDX and image analyses), c) crystallochemical formulae of minerals. The calculated percentages of minerals obtained by CQPA were compared with calculated percentages of minerals obtained by Raask´s method. Simple statistical evaluation showed that calculation of minerals by CQPA program delivers considerable improvement of results., Michal Ritz and Zdeněk Klika., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The articles gives a summary of measurement units that are used for diagnostic measurements of fluid boilers combustion channels. During the verification process VŠB-TU Ostrava designed and tested various types of probes for temperature and velocity measurements, off-take of both gaseous samples of waste gases and solid particles samples. Taken results gives more detailed information about fluid lyer behaviour for various fluid bed boiler types. Moreover they can be of use in case of boiler modifications or boiler operation improvements. This article is based on the project GA 617 50 11 solving - "Combine combustion of coal and biomass in fluid bed boilers"., Bohumír Čech, Zdeněk Kadlec and Jan Matoušek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The two stage co-pyrolysis method for obtaining of hydrogen is described. In the course of the heating of the mixture of bituminous coal with polyisoprene and styrene-butadiene polymers (co-pyrolysis), a considerable amount of hydrogen and hydrocarbons is released in dependence on the process conditions. The experiments proved that the amount of hydrogen increased already with slightly increased heating rate (5 K min-1 ) in comparison with the amount obtained at a common heating rate (3 K min-1) and, further, with the addition of the second (cracking) stage for further thermal splitting of release d hydrocarbons into hydrogen (and carbon), preferably at a temperature of 1200 ºC., Pavel Straka and Vlastimil Kříž., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
From 61 coking coals, 36 coal blends were prepared. Using a pilot coke oven, cokes were prepared from both 61 coking coals (Type I cokes) and 36 coal blends (Type II cokes). Coals were characterized by 14 coal characteristics and cokes by Coke Reactivity Index CRI and Coke Strength after Reaction with CO2 CSR. For the study of mutual statistic relationships among experimentally determined characteristics of coals and cokes, the Factor (FA) and Regression Analyses (RA) were used. FA distributed characteristics of coals and Type I cokes into 4 factors while characteristics of coal blends and Type II cokes were distributed into 7 factors. In case of pure coals and Type I cokes, strong relationships with high correlation coefficients (R > 0.60 ) were more abundant than in case of coal blends and Type II cokes. FA was used for the selection of coal characteristics that influence the coke quality the most significantly. These characteristics were then recalculated by RA for the predictions of CRI/CSR of Type I cokes. Predictions of CRI/CSR of Type II cokes were calculated from coal blends by the same procedure. The comparison of the predicted and experimentally determined CRI and CSR indexes showed much more reliable prediction of CRI/CSR indexes calculated from coals than calculated from coal blends. This study also explains the dominant reasons of this observation., Jana Serenčíšová, Zdeněk Klika, Ivan Kolomazník, Lucie Bartoňová and Pavel Baran., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the frame of advanced studies of coal structure the temperature conditions of coal origin were investigated through thermal stability of aluminum complexes in coal substance. These compounds were discovered by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of 27Al as a part of coal substance closely bonded to organic mass of coal. In obtained spectra, Al-hexaphenoxide and Al-tetrahydroxy-diphenoxide complexes were identified. These complexes were further prepared and their thermal stability tested by thermal analysis method. It was found that a) they can originate under room temperature and atmospheric pressure and b) they are thermally stable only up to approximately 85 or 95 °C. As both Al-hexaphenoxide and Al-tetrahydroxy-diphenoxide complexes are the integrated constituents of coal substance it can be deduced that, in the beginning, coal was formed under very mild thermal conditions. As investigated materials, coals and clays from the Czech basins and gagatite from Poland were measured., Pavel Straka and Jana Náhunková., and Obsahuje bibliografii