The effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) on the growth activity of intact liver and liver regenerating after partial (65-70 %) hepatectomy (PH) was studied in rats. FEU (Propycil, Kali-Chcmie, FRG) was dissolved in drinking water (1 g PTU per litre) and this was given to the rats, as their sole source of fluids, three days before PI I and then up to the end of the experiment. In rats given FPU, marked inhibition of liver DNA synthesis and the mitotic activity of hepatocytes was found after PH. This effect was potentiated to some extent by partial inanition of the experimental animals given FITJ, as demonstrated in a paired feeding test in control rats. PTU inhibition of DNA synthesis in intact and regenerating liver also took effect in thyroidectomized rats, even with substitution (thyroid hormone) therapy. The experiments demonstrated that the effect of propylthiouracil on DNA synthesis in the liver is mediated primarily by way of its direct effect on the liver.