Casing is an imporant part of Vertical Pelton Turbine unit, which acts as a housing for runner and the suppport for Generator. The design of casing requires consideration of hydraulic as well as mechanical aspects. The size and shape of the casing should be designed to give proper guidance to water flow. Casing should have enough strength to meet the mechanical/structural requirements such as to withstand the dead weight of the generator, forces developed in the manifold/branch pipes, load due to the four jets in different combinations and load due to various actuation mechanisms. After satisfying above aspects, the casing should be checked for vibration behavior by modal analysis. The design of casing for four jet vertical Pelton turbine is carried out considering all above mentioned criterion. Ansys Mechanical software is used to study the structural behavior of casing and also for weight optimization by reducing the thickness of casing and changing arrangement of ribs. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Umění vrcholného dramatu Johna Fletchera a jeho spolupracovníků. Vrcholným hrám Johna Fletchera (1579–1625), Shakespearova spolupracovníka a pokračovatele, byla věnována jen malá pozornost. Monografie analyzuje specifika her, které napsal Fletcher v období 1613–1625, a nabízí výklad v duchu raně barokního stylu. Poukazuje i na anachronistické požadavky, kterými byly fletcherovské hry doposud posuzovány.
Concluding study about the musical characteristics of Czech rotative dance round and round focuses on the relation of melody and text and the problem of declamation of dance songs. Dance tune, including the text, represents a complex web of relations on specific levels (rhytmical, melodical, tonal, declamatory). Innovation of one part is necessarily balanced by changes of other substructures, in order to preserve the aesthetical outcome. Change of the text can influence the rhythm of the song, but often is also being reflected in the form, metrics, melody and tonality. For the round and round tunes is characteristic the linear ordination of musical and textual motives. The rhyme schemes a-a, b-b and a-b, c-b prevail. Number of syllables in melodical segments depends on the number of bars and concrete rhytmical figures. Czech musicologists emphasize the fact that folk dance songs in general declaim perfectly. We checked this assertion on the example of round and round tunes. In considering the rhytmical-declamatory models, I distinguish between one-bar (O), two-bar (F) and three-bar (SV) types. Only in case of one-bar type (O) the musical accents correspond completely to verbal accents. However, other rhytmical-declamatory models did not originate by chance, but through deliberate playing with verbal accents on the basis of dance metrical pulsation. Our knowledge of the historical material enables us to consider the problem of development tendencies and construction archetypes of folk song. Aside of tables and schemes, there is an interesting collection of more than three hundred dance songs round and round that destacate by poetics as well as musical refinement.
Uranium deposits, between which gas storage are being designed, the Rožná deposit and Olší deposit, are situated on the east edge of the Strážek Moldanubicum in Bohemian Masiff. Based on structural analysis it was possible to carry out the first rough prediction of potential weak zones in the rock mass. The structural analysis was also one of the supporting materials for determining the geometry and design method for the mine workings for the gas storage and for the advancing exploration of the gas storage region. Until now, the measurement of foliation planes and discontinuity planes in the survey crosscut V1-XXI and in a survey connecting gate GR1-XXI has been carried out. The results of interpretation of the measurement and monitoring of ductile elements (foliations) and joints (ruptures) as well as dislocations interpretation from the mine maps can be summarized and quoted in the contribution., Jiří Ptáček, Rostislav Melichar, Antonín Hájek, Petr Koníček, Kamil Souček, Lubomír Staš, Petr Kříž and Josef Lazárek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The irregular distribution of stress in rock mass is a decisive factor for the origin of rock bursts. Besides, a sound knowledge of stress distribution is very important in the excavation of mine workings. Stress state is affected both by natural stress, including the gravitational, tectonic, hydraulic and residual stress and the stress induced by mining operations. Natural stress fields are defined by their geological structure and rock properties. It is important in mining practice to understand that there is a close relationship between recent and residual tectonic stress, as defined by tectonic evolution and tectonic structure. Since 1994, a large number of horizontal stress measurements have been carried out at a depth of 600 m to 800 m under the surface. The application of the results obtained from the measurements of stress and their comparison with the results of structural analysis and their generalization for the Karviná subbasin can be an important contribution to optimize the timespace designs of the mining activity., Petr Waclawik, Jiří Ptáček and Radomír Grygar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The goal of this study is to determine the validity of morpholineaments network that was inferred based on morphostructural analysis of digital elevation model (DEM), by crosschecking with documented faults. The test field has been spread over the exploitation areas in the Zlaté Hory ore district. Various morphometric analyses such as slope, aspect, first directional derivative, gradient operator, combination of altitude and shaded relief, were chosen as particular tools of the morphostructural analysis. The results of each analysis were compared with the results of structural-tectonic mapping. The inferred morpholineaments network was compared with mining maps of the scale 1:500, which provide detailed information about tectonic deformation of rock massif in the area of interest and were used to image fault traces on the surface. The validity of inferred morpholineaments network was determined by authorized software SROV_TEKT, developed by the authors. The morpholineaments network resulting from the morphostructural analysis and tested by this software overlaps at 83 % of the documented main faults in the mines., Jan Jelínek, František Staněk, Jan Thomas, Tomáš Daněk and Jiří Mališ., and Obsahuje bibliografii