Příspěvek zpřesňuje a rozšiřuje informace o stravě pěti dospělých mužů z kumulace lidských ostatků K7/90 velatické fáze kultury středodunajských popelnicových polí v lokalitě Cezavy u Blučiny. Vzhledem ke špatné zachovalosti kosterního materiálu byla získána izotopová data od čtyř z pěti jedinců a ze čtyř vzorků fauny. Původní výsledky izotopové analýzy publikované v roce 2012 naznačovaly významnou roli živočišné složky potravy s potenciálním podílem mořských ryb. Nová měření izotopových hodnot síry a doměření vodní – významnou roli v jídelníčku nehrály. Také maso a mléko suchozemských zvířat bylo spíše doplňkem stravy dotyčných osob, která byla založena hlavně na rostlinách. Ve stravě rostlinného původu hrálo významnou roli proso, jehož konzumaci je možné prokázat díky specifickým hodnotám stabilních izotopů uhlíku. Podle výsledků kvantitativního modelu rekonstrukce stravy proso u dvou ze čtyř jedinců tvořilo až kolem 50 % konzumované potravy. To potvrzuje dosavadní výsledky archeobotaniky, ukazující na podstatnou roli prosa v mladší době bronzové. V rámci revize předchozích antropologických určení se pomocí bukálních mikroabrazí zubů definovalo přesněji složení a konzistence stravy. Metodou analýzy přírůstků zubního cementu (TCA) se podařilo upřesnit biologický věk u dvou mužů v době jejich úmrtí. and This paper refines and extends our knowledge about the diet of five adult males from the Late Bronze Age accumulation of human skeletons K7/90 from Cezavy near Blučina site. Due to the poor collagen preservation, the isotopic data were obtained from four of the five humans and four animals. The previously published isotopic results suggested the important role of animal products and potentially also substantial dietary input of marine fish. However, the new sulphur isotopic data together with new isotopic data from comparative faunal sample showed, that neither freshwater nor marine fish represented substantial dietary source. The animal products represented rather a supplement of the diet, which was based mainly on plants. From the plant derived foods, millet played an important role, which may be proved due to its specific represented about 50 % of consumed food. This result confirms the previous findings of archaeobotany, suggesting the unprecedented role of millet during the Late Bronze Age. As a part of the revision of previous anthropological findings, the analysis of buccal dental microwear provided complementary information on the composition and consistency of consumed food. The age-at-death estimates of two individuals were refined with the help of tooth cementum annulations (TCA) analysis.
Measuring evaporation and transpiration at the field scale is complicated due to the heterogeneity of the environment, with point measurements requiring upscaling and field measurements such as eddy covariance measuring only the evapotranspiration. During the summer of 2014 an eddy covariance device was used to measure the evapotranspiration of a growing maize field at the HOAL catchment. The stable isotope technique and a Lagrangian near field theory (LNF) were then utilized to partition the evapotranspiration into evaporation and transpiration, using the concentration and isotopic ratio of water vapour within the canopy. The stable isotope estimates of the daily averages of the fraction of evapotranspiration (Ft) ranged from 43.0–88.5%, with an average value of 67.5%, while with the LNF method, Ft was found to range from 52.3–91.5% with an average value of 73.5%. Two different parameterizations for the turbulent statistics were used, with both giving similar R2 values, 0.65 and 0.63 for the Raupach and Leuning parameterizations, with the Raupach version performing slightly better. The stable isotope method demonstrated itself to be a more robust method, returning larger amounts of useable data, however this is limited by the requirement of much more additional data.
In some species of insects, individuals with fully developed wings and capable of flying coexist with flightless individuals that lack functional wings. Their diets may differ if long-winged individuals are more mobile and therefore likely to be better at finding and utilizing high quality food resources, or if they have different food preferences or physiological requirements. Despite its potential importance, differences in the diet of dispersal phenotypes have not been unequivocally demonstrated under natural conditions. To test for dietary divergence, we compared natural abundances of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (d13C and d15N) in long- and short-winged free ranging Tetrix subulata pygmy grasshoppers collected as adults from two natural populations. Overall, this comparison of stable isotopes indicated long-term differences in the diet of the two wing morphs in both populations, but not between males and females of the same morph. We conclude that it is likely that the dietary niches of the long winged and flightless individuals differ under natural conditions. This may reduce intra-specific competition, offset the expected trade-off between flight capacity and reproduction and promote ecological speciation. Address, Einat Karpestam, Anders Forsman., and Obsahuje seznam literatury