In this paper we describe the use of modified passive capillary samplers (PCSs) to investigate the water isotope variability of snowmelt at selected sites in Slovenia during winter 2011/2012 and during winter 2012/2013. First, PCS with 3 fibreglass wicks covering approximately 1 m2 were tested to determine sample variability. We observed high variability in the amount of snowmelt water collected by individual wick (185 to 345 g) and in the isotope composition of oxygen (δ18O −10.43‰ to −9.02‰) and hydrogen (δ2H −70.5‰ to −63.6‰) of the collected water. Following the initial tests, a more detailed investigation was performed in winter 2012/2013 and the variability of snowmelt on the local scale among the different levels (i.e. within group, between the close and more distant groups of wicks) was investigated by applying 30 fibreglass wicks making use of Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) and a balanced hierarchical sampling design. The amount of snowmelt water collected by an individual wick during the whole experiment was between 116 and 1705 g, while the isotope composition varied from −16.32‰ to −12.86‰ for δ18O and from −120.2‰ to −82.5‰ for δ2H. The main source of variance (80%) stems from the variability within the group of wicks (e.g. within group) while other sources contribute less than 20% of the variability. Amount weighted samples for the 2012–2013 season show no significant differences among groups, but significant differences for particular sampling events were observed. These investigations show that due to the variability within the group of wicks, a large number of wicks (> 5) are needed to sample snowmelt.
Soil moisture content was measured by TDR sensors Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., today McCrometer CONNECT) in a loamy Chernozem on carbonate-rich loess substrate. The sensors, wrapped in slurry made of local soil and water, were installed horizontally into pre-made holes. The bias caused by imperfectly filled gaps between the wall of the hole and the sensor surface was reduced by field calibration. The same gaps made it possible to detect the preferential flow in soil macropores, due to which the reflectometric readings were perceivably higher than analogous readings before percolation events and sometimes higher than the native soil porosity. One typical event is presented. It is envisaged that sensors of this type can be used for semi-quantitative estimation of the preferential flux density, e.g. with the help of dual or multiple porous medium models or the momentum dissipation theory. and Vlhkost hlinité černozemní půdy na karbonátovém sprašovém substrátu byla měřena metodou TDR čidly Aqua-Tel-TDR (Automata, Inc., dnes McCrometer CONNECT). Čidla, obalená před osazením pastou z místní zeminy a vody, byla instalována vodorovně do předvrtaných otvorů. Systematická chyba způsobená nedokonale zaplněnými mezerami mezi čidlem a stěnou otvoru byla zmenšena terénní kalibrací. Tytéž mezery umožnily indikovat preferenční proudění v půdních makropórech, díky němuž byla reflektometrická měření citelně vyšší než analogické hodnoty před průsakovou epizodou a někdy i vyšší než pórovitost původní půdy. Je demonstrována jedna typická epizoda. Lze předpokládat, že čidla tohoto typu mohou být použita k semikvantitativnímu odhadu hustoty preferenčního toku, např. za pomoci modelů dvojného nebo vícenásobného pórovitého prostředí nebo teorie rozptylu hybnosti.
This study evaluates MODIS snow cover characteristics for large number of snowmelt runoff events in 145 catchments from 9 countries in Europe. The analysis is based on open discharge daily time series from the Global Runoff Data Center database and daily MODIS snow cover data. Runoff events are identified by a base flow separation approach. The MODIS snow cover characteristics are derived from Terra 500 m observations (MOD10A1 dataset, V005) in the period 2000–2015 and include snow cover area, cloud coverage, regional snowline elevation (RSLE) and its changes during the snowmelt runoff events. The snowmelt events are identified by using estimated RSLE changes during a runoff event. The results indicate that in the majority of catchments there are between 3 and 6 snowmelt runoff events per year. The mean duration between the start and peak of snowmelt runoff events is about 3 days and the proportion of snowmelt events in all runoff events tends to increase with the maximum elevation of catchments. Clouds limit the estimation of snow cover area and RSLE, particularly for dates of runoff peaks. In most of the catchments, the median of cloud coverage during runoff peaks is larger than 80%. The mean minimum RSLE, which represents the conditions at the beginning of snowmelt events, is situated approximately at the mean catchment elevation. It means that snowmelt events do not start only during maximum snow cover conditions, but also after this maximum. The mean RSLE during snowmelt peaks is on average 170 m lower than at the start of the snowmelt events, but there is a large regional variability.
This paper deals with the formation of snowmelt-driven floods in two experimental microbasins located in Slovakia’s highlands (300-400 m a.s.l) near the town of Povazska Bystrica, Slovakia in March 2006. The first basin (Rybarik) encompasses an area of 0.119 km2 and is used primarily for agriculture; while the Lesný basin with its catchment area of 0.0864 km2 is characterized as a forested land. The maximal specific outflow from the Rybárik basin was observed on March 28, 2006, with 281.3 l s-1 km-2, peaking at 3 p.m. with 422 l s-1 km-2. In the Lesný basin, the maximum outflow was observed on March 29, 2006, with its peak of 523 l s-1 km-2 at noon. In the second part the long-term trend of snow water equivalent (SWE) modeled by the HBV-light rainfall-runoff model in the Rybarik and Lesny microbasins were evaluated. After the model verification, the daily values of SWE for the period 1965/66-2005/06 were calculated for Rybarik and Lesný microbasins. From the results it follows, that, after a temporal decline in the maxima of snow depth and of SWE in the 1990s, SWE started to increase in 2002 again. The historically highest values of SWE were simulated in both experimental microbasins in the winter season of 2005/06. and V príspevku je analyzovaná tvorba povodňového odtoku počas povodne z topenia sa snehu v marci 2006 na príklade dvoch experimentálnych mikropovodí lokalizovaných vo vrchovinovej časti Slovenska pri Považskej Bystrici (300–400 m n.m.), konkrétne z poľnohospodársky využívaného mikropovodia Rybárik (0,119 km2 ), a zo zalesneného mikropovodia Lesný (0,0864 km2 ). Maximálny meraný špecifický odtok z povodia Rybárik bol 281 l s-1 km-2 28. marca 2006 (vrchol 422 l s-1 km-2 o 15.00 hod.). Maximálny meraný špecifický odtok z povodia Lesný 263,7 l s-1 km-2 bol zaznamenaný 29. marca 2006 (vrchol 523 l s-1 km-2 o 12.00 hod.). V druhej časti príspevku je analyzovaný dlhodobý vývoj vodnej hodnoty snehu (SWE) v povodí Rybárik a Lesný, modelovanej zrážko-odtokovým modelom HBV-light. Po kalibrácii a verifikácii modelu boli modelom vypočítané denné vodné hodnoty snehu za 42-ročné obdobie 1965/66–2005/06. Z výsledkov vyplýva, že po dočasnom poklese maxím vodnej hodnoty snehu SWE v deväťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia od roku 2002 došlo k opätovnému zvýšeniu vodnej hodnoty snehu. V zimnej sezóne 2005/06 bola vypočítaná najvyššia hodnota SWE od začiatku pozorovaní v oboch mikropovodiach.