The paper focuses on the Modern Period seals and sealing in credible places (locus credibilis) in the Kingdom of Hungary. It presents the basic historical context, in which the credible places were created and operated within religious institutions in the Middle Ages. Specifically, it addresses the problems which the political and social changes in modern times brought to the function of these institutions. Particular attention is paid to the seals and their use in modern Nitra Residential Chapter and Spiš Collegial Chapter. The paper is mainly based on the research of archives of the correspondent religious institutions. Its main objective is to present unpublished facts about the design of the seals of these institutions, as well as issues related to the method of sealing, storage and use of the typarium.
The short paper publishes and issues a previously unknown charter of Catherine of Žerotice, written in Czech language in 1447. Up to now it lay hidden from the eyes of scholars in archives of princely Hohenlohe-Zentralarchiv Neuenstein (Baden-Württemberg). The charter concerns the selling of maternal heritage both in Bohemia and in Moravia at Catherine's sister Anna. Because of greater legal force six nobles from the surrounding area were asked to seal the charter with their seals.