This study was undertaken to in vestigate the effects of lower body positive pressure (LBPP) on cardiovascular responses during a 15-min walking trial in young (22.1±0.4 years) and elderly women (67.8±1.1 years). The application of 20 mm Hg LBPP reduced ground reaction forces by 31.2±0.5 kgw in both groups. We hypothesized that cardiovascular responses to LBPP during walking were different between the young and elderly subjects. Applying 20 mm Hg of LBPP increased diastolic and mean blood pressure but not systolic blood pressure in both groups. LBPP- induced reduction in heart rate (HR) occurred more quickly in the young group compared to the elderly group (p<0.05). Applying LBPP also decreased double product (systolic blood pressure x HR) in both groups, suggesting that LBPP reduces myocardial oxygen consumption during exercise. These results suggest that heart rate responses to LBPP during exercise vary with increasing age., T. Sota ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Příspěvek nastiňuje přehled vývoje oboru neuropsychologie ve světě i u nás, v tehdejším Československu doplněný zkušenostmi z práce v neuropsychologické laboratoři v Psychiatrickém centru v Heiloo v Nizozemí. Je pojednán stav neuropsychologické diagnostiky a následné rehabilitace jedinců s postiţením mozku. Je podtrţen vliv Alexandra Romanoviče Luriji, který stál u vzniku klinické i teoretické neuropsychologie. Autor představuje model "uzavřeného kruhu" - jako model moţné neuropsychologické rehabilitace v psychiatrii. V závěru příspěvku je načrtnut výhled oboru neuropsychologie. and The article outlines the development of neuropsychology abroad and in our country, in the former Czechoslovakia, enriched by the experiences from work in neuropsychological laboratory in Psychiatric Centre at Heiloo, Netherlands.
The state of neuropsychological diagnostic and ensuing rehabilitation of persons with brain afflictions is discussed and the influence of Alexander Romanovich Luria, who was one of the founders of both clinical and theoretical neuropsychology, is underlined. The author present the model of „a closed circle“ as a model of possible neuropsychological rehabilitation in psychiatry. The article concludes by outlining prospects of the field of neuropsychology.
Mezinárodní klasifikace funkčních schopností, disability a zdraví - MKF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – ICF), schválená roku 2001 Světovým zdravotním shromáţděním, je základem k hodnocení funkčních schopností a psychosenzomotorického potenciálu osob s disabilitou. Státy Evropské unie přijaly tuto klasifikaci jako základní filosofii a politiku rehabilitace v EU a nástroj jejich inkluze. V ČR byla klasifikace publikována v českém překladu v roce 2008, ale není prozatím prakticky pouţívána. Článek seznamuje psychologickou obec s touto klasifikací, neboť se s ní setkají v multidisciplinární práci v kontextu somatických onemocnění a především při práci s duševně nemocnými. and The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - ICF, endorsed by the World Health Assembly in 2001, is a base for evaluation of functional abilities and psycho-senso-motoric potential among people with disabilities. The EU states accepted this classification as a basic philosophy and politics of rehabilitation in the EU and as an instrument of inclusion. The classification was published in the Czech translation in 2008 but has not been much used in practice. The aim of the article is to inform colleagues from the field of psychology about the classification, for they may encounter it in a multidisciplinary work in the context of somatic diseases and especially in work with mentally ill people.
The paper presents a method of experimental and model investigations, enabling the monitoring of rehabilitation process, for parents with upper limbs diseases, having neurological base. The changes of forces, generated by particular groups of upper limb muscles, during typical rehabilitation exercises, were assumed as an indicator of the rehabilitation progress. The mathematical model and the set of computer programs were elaborated, which enable identification of forces generated by muscles and realization of comparative analysis, within a framework of inverse dynamic problem, and with the use of optimization techniques and computer processed video-registration of limb movement. and Obsahuje seznam literatury