We use reflections with respect to submanifolds and related geometric results to develop, inspired by the work of Ferus and other authors, in a unified way a local theory of extrinsic symmetric immersions and submanifolds in a general analytic Riemannian manifold and in locally symmetric spaces. In particular we treat the case of real and complex space forms and study additional relations with holomorphic and symplectic reflections when the ambient space is almost Hermitian. The global case is also taken into consideration and several examples are given.
Předložena stať je věnována problematice prozaické tvorby ruského spisovatele Viktora Astafjeva. Souběžně s jeho stěžejními dily, jakými jsou zejména Poslední pocta, Pastýř a pastýřka. Moderní pastorále a Její Veličenstvo ryba, vydává Viktor Astafjev v rozmezí let 1961–1987 na tři desítky drobných prací, které později vycházejí pod názvem Záseky. and The study reflects on a contemporary Russian writer Victor Astafyev. In the proximity of his crucial pieces of work, which are namely the following: The last Tribute, Shepherd and Shepherdess. A Modern Pastoral and Czar-Fish, Viktor Astafjev published in the years 1961–1987 approximately thirty short stories, which were later on published in the book – Abatises.