Cílem článku je podat kritický rozbor predikcí týkajících se budoucnosti sociálních věd, jak je formuluje Ladislav Kvasz pod záštitou svého projektu "formální epistemologie“. Modelem dynamiky vztahů mezi obory na vědeckém poli nabízí Kvasz v otázce střídání paradigmat alternativu ke Kuhnově teorii vědeckých revolucí. Text zkoumá, na jakých základech je mechanismus změn u Kvasze vystavěn a co z toho plyne pro relevanci předpovědí z tohoto modelu vyvozených – především těch o sociálních vědách. K tomu slouží souběžné představení historické metody Michela Foucaulta, který zdůrazňuje potřebu vyvarovat se zavádění falešných kontinuit ve zkoumání trajektorií vědeckých oborů, u kterých dochází ke zlomům v jejich epistemické struktuře. Zvláštní zřetel je kladen na souvislost predikcí s možnostmi odlišit epistemologicky a sociologicky uchopitelné prvky spojené s chodem vědy. Jako klíčový moment se tedy ukáže možnost práce se sociálně vědními obory pomocí jemných nástrojů, které Kvasz vyvinul na vědách exaktních., The aim of the article is to provide a critical analysis of predictions that concern the future of social sciences suggested by Ladislav Kvasz as a part of his project “formal epistemology”. In relation to the issue of paradigm change Kvasz’s model of dynamics in the scientific field offers an alternative to Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolutions. The article inquires the nature of the mechanism of changes in the field and what can therefore be predicted from such model – especially concerning social sciences. This is achieved with the help of Michel Foucault’s historical method, which emphasizes the need to avoid false continuities in explaining the development of a scientific discipline, which is going through deep discontinuities on its epistemic level. Special attention is given to the connection between predictions and the possibility of distinguishing epistemologically and sociologically graspable features of science. The adequacy of working with social sciences using tools Kvasz had developed focusing on formal disciplines is therefore identified as a decisive point., and Markéta Patáková.
Plasma triglyceride (TG) levels represent a significant risk factor of cardiovascular and total mortality. Concentrations of TG in the plasma depend, to a large extent, on the genetic background, and the apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) gene seems to be one of the most powerful players in the plasma TG metabolism regulation. In total, we analysed three tagging APOA5 (rs964184, rs662799, rs3135506) SNPs in 209 patients with plasma TG levels over 10 mmol/l (HTG) on at least one occasion and in 379 treatment-naïve controls (NTG) with plasma TG values within the normal range. Minor alleles of all three analysed APOA5 polymorphisms significantly (all P < 0.0001) increased the risk of
hypertriglyceridaemia. The most significant association (P < 0.0000001) was observed for the rs964184 polymorphism, where the minor GG homozygotes had the odds ratio (OR, 95% CI) for hypertriglyceridaemia development 21.30 (8.09-56.07, P < 0.000001) in com-arison with the major CC allele homozygotes. Carriers of at least one minor allele at rs3135506 had OR (95% CI) 4.19 (2.75-6.40); (P < 0.000005) for HTG development and similarly, carriers of a minor allele at rs662799 had OR (95% CI) 3.07 (2.00-4.72); (P < 0.0001). The cumulative presence of risk alleles (unweighted gene score) significantly differed between patients with episodes of high TG and controls at P < 0.0000001. There were 73 % of subjects without any of the risk alleles among the controls and 46 % in the patients. In contrast, the controls just included 3 % of subjects with score 3 and more in comparison with 18 % in HTG patients. We conclude that common APOA5 variants are very important genetic determinants of episodic hypertriglyceridaemia in the Czech population with a high potential to be applied in pe-sonalized medicine. and Corresponding author: Michal Vrablík
Addiction to tobacco results in an imbalance of endocrine homeostasis in both sexes. This can also have impacts on fertility problems. The male reproductive system is less susceptible than that of females, with a worsening spermiogram in smokers, the most cited effect in the literature. However, the literature is inconsistent as to the effects of smoking on steroid hormone levels in men, and there is very little data on the effects of quitting smoking in men. In this study we followed 76 men before quitting smoking, and then after 6, 12, and 24 weeks and 1 year of abstinence. We measured basic anthropomorphic data and steroid hormone levels along with steroid neuroactive metabolites using GC-MS. We demonstrate lower androgen levels in men who smoke, and these changes worsened after quitting smoking. There was a drop in SHBG already in the first week of non-smoking, and levels continued to remain low. Male smokers have lower androgen levels compared to non-smokers. The lower the initial level of androgen, the lower the likelihood of success in quitting smoking. Changes in steroid hormones proved to be a promising marker for the prediction of success in quitting smoking., H. Jandikova, M. Duskova, K. Simunkova, B. Racz, M. Hill, E. Kralikova, K. Vondra, L. Starka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Medical genetic research achieved in last decade many efforts leading to better understanding of inherited basis of human diseases. This will not be possible without the participation of patients and controls. However, the general understanding of the background and possibilities of genetic association studies is very low. It was confirmed by study of university of students. Because of the fair of misuses of the individual genetic information, significant part of participants refused the use of already donated blood samples for genetic testing but agreed with using of buccal swabs for the same analysis. To enhance the general knowledge’s of the population, leading to realistic expectations not just about genetic predictive power but also about the eventual risks in behind will be the major mission in the next years., V. Adámková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Studie se zabývá vztahem mezi mírou prožívané smysluplnosti života a osobnostními rysy. Většina dosud provedených výzkumů má korelační charakter a nevypovídá proto o příčinnosti vztahů. Autoři využili data z Brněnské longitudinální studie celoživotního vývoje člověka a hledali nejen současné koreláty životní smysluplnosti, ale i její antecedenty. Analyzovány byly údaje od 72 dospělých (41 žen) ve věku 41 – 44 let, kteří vyplnili Logo-test E. Lukasové a Cloningerův TCI. Dále byly od respondentů k dispozici Eysenckův dotazník MPI, který respondenti vyplnili v 16 letech svého věku, a posouzení jejich temperamentu ve věku 12 – 30 měsíců. Míra prožívané smysluplnosti života souvisí pozitivně s úrovní persistence a sebeřízenosti respondentů, s extraverzí v 16 letech a dětskou disinhibovaností a negativní afektivitou.