Hlavní osou knihy je podle recenzentky konflikt mezi tradičními zájmy a hodnotami světa filmu na jedné straně a politickou snahou o jeho reformu v systému státního socialismu na druhé straně v Československu v poválečném čtvrtstoletí, především pak v padesátých letech. Autor přitom nevychází jen z podřízenosti kinematografie vládnoucí elitě, ale spíše z její proměnlivé autonomie. Staví na neobyčejně bohaté pramenné základně a efektivně využívá různé teoretické koncepty. Díky tomu dokáže zprostředkovat živý a plastický obraz mikrosvětů v pražských filmových ateliérech Barrandov, jejich neformálních vztahů a procesu zrodu filmového díla. Jedná se o strhující četbu pro poučenější čtenáře, kteří hledají metodologicky inspirovaný, otevřený výklad s bohatými odkazy i sebereflexí., According to the reviewer, the book The Barandov Factory: The world of filmmakers and political power 1945-1970 revolves around a conflict between traditional interests and values of the world of filmmaking and political efforts ro reform it within the Czechoslovak state socialism system during the twenty-five years after the war, mainly in the 1950s. The author´s starting assumptions include not only the subordination of cinematography to the ruling elite, but also a variable degree of the film industry´s autonomy. He builds on an extremely rich source base and employs various theoretical concepts in an effective manner. Thanks to the above, he can provide a vivid and plastic picture of micro-worlds in the Barrandov film studios in Prague, their informal relations, as well as the birth of a movie. He wrote a captivating book for more knowledgeable readers looking for a methodologically inspired and open account with ample references and self-reflection., [autor recenze] Alena Šlingerová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Based on an analysis of the Zbraslav Chronicle, the study examines ideas about the status of queens in medieval society, namely, the forms, possibilities, and limits of the application of their influence as well as the interconnection between political power and gender-defined roles. The abstrakty 6 aim of the study is to highlight one of the forms of research on queens that has not been more widely applied in Czech medieval studies and, at the same time, to create a basic overview of the motifs which are thematised in connection with the office in the chronicle. Attention is focused on the complementarity of royal power (the reign is presented as a result of the synergy of the royal couple that reflects the ideal of marriage and parenthood) and, further, on the close connection of the “private” roles of the queen within the royal family vis-a-vis the public affairs of the kingdom. The maternal relationship to communitas regni and care for the common good thus in the imagination of the Zbraslav chroniclers come to the fore as some of the defining features of the ideal of a queen. and Věra Vejrychová.