The article focuses on one of the factors affecting the political representation of women: political culture. Defined as the level of egalitarian gender culture in a country as related to politics in particular, its open forms can be measured in public opinion polls. But the article focuses on two less apparent forms of differentiation between the sexes in relation to politics. The first is the different way in which each gender relates conceptually to power. The second difference relates to the view that equal representation is not too important. An in-depth analysis using ideological analysis (a type of CDA) even reveals the existence of a divided concept of freedom according to gender, which is obscured by a set of other divides, such as politics versus culture, public versus private, love versus personal autonomy., Hana Havelková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
On September 16, 2015 theOriental Institute of the CAS organized an international conference, which addressed the question of the meanings of democracy in the Middle East, Asia, and Russia and the role that democracy plays in the discourse of the political elites and non-state actors in these regions. The case studies at the conference described the situation in Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, China and Russia. Democracy plays a crucial role in the efforts of the Western world to promote peace and stability and maintain international security. However, in recent years, countries such as China and Russia have explicitly offered an alternative interpretation of democracy to the public, both domestically and internationally, one which builds on national, cultural and political traditions and contradicts the claims for universality common in theWest. Furthermore, non-universalistic discourses on democracy have become popular among diverse non-state actors, such as Islamicmovements, non-formal authorities, or civil society across the Middle East and Central Asia. These developments have important implications for both the efforts aimed at the promotion of democracy and for the advance of democracy in general. and Věra Exnerová.
Důvěra občanů České republiky v politické instituce a politiky je dlouhodobě nízká. V textu se zaměřujeme na perspektivu profesionálních politiků v hodnocení politiky, která je v českém kontextu neprobádaným tématem. Doplňujeme zároveň tradiční pohled na politickou kulturu o přístup vycházející z interpretativní a konstruktivistické sociologie. Soustředíme se přitom na konstrukci symbolických hranic u českých politiků, kdy si klademe otázku, mezi jakými skupinami politici symbolické hranice vytvářejí. Provádíme kombinaci narativní (Ricoeur) a kritické diskurzivní analýzy (Wodak) na 21 tematicky orientovaných biografických interview s politiky ze tří tradičních politických stran (ODS, ČSSD, KSČM), kteří byli aktivní v politice od začátku 90. let 20. století. Zjištění interpretujeme v tom smyslu, že symbolické hranice představují pro politiky kulturní nástroj legitimizace jejich identity, statusu a praxe „tradiční“ politiky. Díky symbolickému vymezování se vůči „jiným“ jsou politici schopni konstruovat realitu, ve které jsou s občany sice na stejné lodi a zároveň musí podle nich sami stát na kapitánském můstku., Levels of trust in political institutions and political actors are constantly low in the Czech Republic. This paper deals with the perspective of professional politicians, which is an unexplored topic in the Czech context. At the same time, we supplement the traditional view of political culture with an approach based on interpretive and constructivist sociology. We focus on the construction of symbolic boundaries by Czech politicians. We pursue a combination of narrative (Ricoeur) and critical discourse analysis (Wodak) based on 21 thematically oriented biographical interviews with politicians from three traditional political parties (ODS, ČSSD, KSČM) who have been actively involved in politics since the early 90´s. The findings suggest that the politicians use symbolic boundaries as a cultural instrument for legitimizing their identity, status and practice of „traditional“ politics. By defining „others“, the politicians are able to construct a reality in which they are on the same boat with citizens while standing on the command bridge., Tomáš Samec, Lucie Černá., and Obsahuje bibliografii