The localisation and distribution of the serotoninergic nerve elements was studied for the first time in the flatworm Chimaericola leptogaster (Leuckart, 1830) using immunocytochemical methodology and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The musculature was investigated by histochemical staining of actin filaments; scanning electron microscopy was used to identify the sensory structures on the worm's surface. Uniciliated, bi-ciliated and multiciliated sensory endings have been described on the worm's surface. The morphological data demonstrate the presence of circular, longitudinal and diagonal muscles that comprise the musculature of C. leptogaster in the anterior, median and posterior body regions. Well-developed radial and circular muscle fibres were also observed surrounding the genital pore, two vaginae and in clumps of the haptor. The study revealed the presence of biogenic amine, serotonin, in the central and peripheral nervous systems of C. leptogaster: in the neurons and fibres of the cephalic ganglia and ventral nerve cord, in the innervation of reproductive system compartments. The localised sites of the serotoninergic elements point to important roles of serotonin in monogenean reproductive processes and, possibly, in the regulation of muscle function., Natalya V. Mochalova, Nadezhda B. Terenina, Larisa G. Poddubnaya, Valery A. Yashin, Andrei V. Kuchin, Natalya D. Kreshchenko., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V článku se zaměřujeme zejména na aktuální taxonomii, vybrané ekologické novinky a představíme druhy ploštěnek, které lze v České republice nalézt. Text je doplněn jednoduchými určovacími tabulemi pro všechny naše druhy, včetně jednoho skoro zapomenutého endemita., In this article we focus on current taxonomy and ecological behaviour, and we introduce the flatworm species that are found in the Czech Republic. The text is supplemented by simple drawings allowing determination of all Czech species, including a nearly forgotten endemic., and Marie Reslová, Ondřej Simon.
V naší fauně jsou známy dva původní druhy suchozemských neparazitických ploštěnců (Microplana terrestris a M. humicola) a další dva nepůvodní druhy se pravidelně vyskytují ve sklenících (Bipalium kewense a Rhynchodemus sylvaticus). Výskyt druhého z nepůvodních druhů je pravděpodobný i ve volné přírodě., Two native species of free-living terrestrial flatworms (Microplana terrestris and M. humicola) are known in the wild of the Czech Republic and two other non-native species (Bipalium kewense and Rhynchodemus sylvaticus) have been repeatedly recorded in the greenhouses. The occurrence of the later non-native species is also likely in the outdoors., and Michal Horsák.
In the present paper, we describe the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of the notocotylid Notocotylus noyeri (Joyeux, 1922) by means of transmission electron microscopy. The mature spermatozoon of N. noyeri exhibits the general pattern described in the majority of digeneans: two axonemes of the 9 + "1" pattern of the Trepaxonemata, nucleus, mitochondria, parallel cortical microtubules, spine-like bodies and ornamentation of the plasma membrane. The glycogenic nature of the electron-dense granules was evidenced applying the test of Thiéry. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon of N. noyeri present some differences in relation to those of the Pronocephalidea described until now, but confirm a general pattern for the Notocotylidae, namely a spermatozoon with two mitochondria and an anterior region with ornamentation of the plasma membrane associated with spine-like bodies. The posterior extremity of the spermatozoon exhibits only some microtubules after the disorganisation of the second axoneme. The present study confirms that some ultrastructural characters of the sperm cell such as the presence or absence of lateral expansions, the number of mitochondria and the morphology of both anterior and posterior spermatozoon extremities are useful for phylogenetic purposes within the Pronocephaloidea. Thus, unlike notocotylids, pronocephalids exhibit external ornamentation and a lateral expansion in the anterior spermatozoon region. Moreover, notocotylid spermatozoa present two mitochondria, whereas pronocephalid spermatozoa exhibit a single mitochondrion. Finally, pronocephalids are characterised by a type 2 posterior spermatozoon extremity, whereas notocotylids exhibit a type 3 posterior spermatozoon extremity., Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, Jordi Torres, Catarina Eira, Vladimir V. Shimalov, Jordi Miquel., and Obsahuje bibliografii