For the inhabitants of the town of Mysłowic acquires special importance the place called „Triangle of the Three Emperors“, where in the years 1845–1918 intersected the borders of three empires – Russia, Austria and Prussia. The threefold boundary represented for many decades the sphere of constant economic, cultural and social exchange and cultural and civilisational interpenetration. Thanks to the „triangle“ was Mysłowice known all over Europe as well as on other continents and attracted thousands of tourists. The surroundings of the „Triangle of the Three Emperors“ were endowed with excellent touristic and recreational infrastructure. Nowadays this legendary place is neglected and does not remind of its former importance. However, it is still being visited by groups of tourists and hosts occasional meetings and historical commemorations. Within the town there are numerous symbolic references to the „Triangle of the Three Emperors“. The municipal council recently devised a plan to transform the „Triangle“ into a showroom of the town and constituent part of its advertising campaign. The „Triangle of the Three Emperors“ instigates emotions and acquires a prominent place in the social memory of the inhabitants of Mysłowic, as it is part of the local historical tradition. On the background of the European history it acquires its historical importance and local relevance. Through its intimate relation to local history it evokes the images of the past glory of the town. The „Triangle of the Three Emperors“ surpasses in importance the remaining parts of the town and corroborates positively the social integrity of its inhabitants. Its symbolic importance can in a crucial way influence the processes of change and creation of social consciousness, responding to the unified vision of the future, and at the same time the creation of contemporary identity of the town, relieved from existing stigma of industrialization.
The contribution is concerned with the places of public memory in multicultural societies of Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1880-1914. Text bring metodological comparison between fourteen towns by the concept "Multiculturalism".