Since close relationship was shown between drug addiction and memory formation, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of interaction between prenatal methamphetamine (MA) exposure and MA treatment in adulthood on spatial and non-spatial memory and on the structure of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the hippocampus. Adult male rats prenatally exposed to MA (5 mg/kg) or saline were tested in adulthood. Non-spatial memory was examined in the Object Recognition Test (ORT) and spatial memory in the Object Location Test (OLT) and in the Memory Retention Test (MRT) conducted in the Morris Water Maze (MWM), respectively. Based on the type of the memory test animals were injected either acutely (ORT, OLT) or long-term (MWM) with MA (1 mg/kg). After each testing, animals were sacrificed and brains were removed. The hippocampus was then examined in Western Blot analysis for occurrence of different NMDA receptors’ subtypes. Our results demonstrated that prenatal MA exposure affects the development of the NMDA receptors in the hippocampus that might correspond with improvement of spatial memory tested in adulthood in the MWM. On the other hand, the effect of prenatal MA exposure on nonspatial memory examined in the ORT was the opposite. In addition, we showed that the effect of MA administration in adulthood on NMDA receptors is influenced by prenatal MA exposure, which seems to correlate with the spatial memory examined in the OLT., R. Šlamberová, M. Vrajová, B. Schutová, M. Mertlová, E. Macúchová, K. Nohejlová, L. Hrubá, J. Puskarčíková, V. bubeníková-Valešová, A. Yamamotová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Postižení kognitivních funkcí (KF) je ve všech fázích roztroušené sklerózy (RS) důležitým prediktorem kvality života a je nejčastější příčinou ztráty zaměstnání. Deficit mívá nejběžněji charakter mírné kognitivní poruchy a jeho projevy jsou velmi variabilní, a proto je důležitá přesná neuropsychologická diagnostika. Mírný kognitivní deficit u RS zahrnuje obvykle zpomalení rychlosti zpracování informací, poruchu komplexní pozornosti, paměti a exekutivních funkcí. Minimalizaci dopadů onemocnění může významně ovlivnit rehabilitace kognitivních funkcí. Rehabilitace kognitivních poruch přešla od metody tužka-papír k rehabilitaci pomocí počítačových programů. Uvádíme řadu studií zabývajících se rehabilitací kognitivních funkcí včetně kvantitativních i kvalitativních výsledků jednotlivých studií a sledujeme výsledky rehabilitace v krátkodobém i dlouhodobějším horizontu. Pozitivní efekt rehabilitace se jednoznačně ukazuje v oblasti zvyšování kvality života a snižování deprese. Předmětem diskuze však zůstává, zda se nejedná jen o efekt krátkodobý, a také to, jaké další faktory mohou pozitivní efekt tréninku podpořit., In all phases of multiple sclerosis (MS), cognitive deficits (CD) are an important predictor of the quality of life and the frequent cause of job loss. The deficits usually have a character of a mild cognitive impairment and their manifestation varies greatly. Therefore, accurate neuropsychological assessment is important. Mild cognitive symptoms in MS usually include problems with the speed of information processing and visual learning, dysfunction of complex attention and executive functions. Rehabilitation of cognitive functions can significantly influence and minimize the impact of the disease. Rehabilitation of cognitive deficits has changed from “pencil-paper” method to computer-program-based rehabilitation. This papers reviews a range of studies dealing with cognitive function rehabilitation, including both quantitative and qualitative results, and both short- and long-term results. The positive effects of rehabilitation are clearly shown by increased quality of life and alleviated depressive symptoms. Further discussion is needed about durability of this effect and what other factors can positively support the training effects. Key words: multiple sclerosis – computerized cognitive training – magnetic resonance – cognitive rehabilitation – cognitive dysfunction – neuropsychological assessment The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., and D. Chmelařová, Z. Ambler, M. Dostál, V. Vobořilová