The paper presents selected results of seismological observations in Silesia and northern Moravia between 01/2004 - 08/2008, which are based on interpretation of three-component digital recordings at solitary seismic stations operated by the Institute of Geonics of the ASCR Ostrava (IGN) distributed in the region under investigation. Five seismic stations had recorded local tectonic seismic events in a continuous regime until 12/2005, when the grant project GA CR No. 205/03/0999 terminated. Meanwhile, the Ostrava - Krásné Pole (OKC) seismic station have continued in operation as a part of the Czech regional seismological network since 1983 up to present. Other three stations have been operating in a so-called triggered regime. At the mid-January 2007, seismic station in Klokočov village was re-opened in continuous regime. During 55 months of observation, 90 tectonic events have been detected at one or more seismic stations mentioned above. However, database of the Institute of Physics of the Earth of the MU contains more than 640 microearthquakes during the same time. This discrepancy is caused mainly due to a higher concentration of microearthquake foci distributed all over the western part of the region under investigation where the IPE seismic stations are situated. On the other hand, the IGN seismic stations are spread predominantly within the eastern part of the territory, i.e. relatively far from the recent foci, and moreover, some stations are operated using the triggered regime., Karel Holub, Zdeněk Kaláb, Jaromír Knejzlík and Jana Rušajová., and Obsahuje bibliografii