Článek se zabývá psychickým zpracováním a proţíváním intenzivní péče u pacientů s ohroţením vitálních funkcí. Cílem tohoto článku je informovat psychologickou veřejnost o nutnosti psychologické péče pro jedince, kteří prošli bojem a strachem o vlastní ţivot při traumatických událostech. Dle našeho výzkumu si tito jedinci zasluhují odbornou pomoc, aby jejich návrat do běţného ţivota byl optimální a mohli se po proţitém traumatu seberealizovat. and The article deals with mental processing and experiencing of the intensive care by patients with threatened vital functions. The aim of the article is to inform colleagues from the field of psychology about the necessity of psychological care for patients who fought and feared for their life during traumatizing events. According to our research, these people deserve professional psychological care in order to safely return to everyday life and to be able to self-realize themselves after the trauma.
Methamphetamine (MA), as massively abused psychoactive stimulant, has been associated with many neurological diseases. It has various potent and neurotoxic properties. There are many mechanisms of action that contribute to its neurotoxic and degenerative effects, including excessive neurotransmitter (NEU) release, blockage of NEU uptake transporters, degeneration of NEU receptors, process of oxidative stress etc. MA intoxication is caused by blood-brain barrier disruption resulted from MA-induced oxidation stress. In our laboratory we constantly work on animal research of MA. Our current interest is to investigate processes of MA-induced alteration in neurotransmission, especially during development of laboratory rat. This review will describe current understanding in role of NEUs, which are affected by MA-induced neurotoxicity caused by altering the action of NEUs in the central nervous system (CNS). It also briefly brings information about NEUs development in critical periods of development.